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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Few Headlines

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee(D TX-18) resigns from Two Posts After Former Aid Allegedly Fired for Reporting Sexual Assault
Those 2 posts would be chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s crime, terrorism, homeland security and investigations subcommittee, and as chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

From Nicholas Fandos at the NY Times: "Ms. Jackson Lee made the decision to step aside from both roles as pressure was growing within her own party to account for the claims in a Jan. 11 lawsuit brought by a woman who worked in her congressional office and who said she was sexually assaulted by a Black Caucus Foundation supervisor.

Ms. Jackson Lee has adamantly denied that she fired the woman for retribution after the woman indicated she wanted to pursue legal action, but she planned to say Wednesday that she would step aside nonetheless."

#BelieveAllWomen sure looks a lot like punish the victim. If true. 'If true,' this would be more confirmation of Fen's Law: The Left doesn't truly believe in the things they lecture about to the rest of us.

What if Mueller doesn't give Democrats what they want?
From Byron York at the Washington Examiner: ""When Mueller poured water on the BuzzFeed report claiming that Trump directed fixer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, pledged to take up where BuzzFeed left off, no matter what Mueller said.

"Are you still going to investigate the claims?" Schiff was asked on CBS's "Face the Nation." "Absolutely, absolutely," Schiff said."

The whole point of that pathetic BuzzFeed scam claiming Trump ordered Cohen to lie to Congress, in which the entire media beclowned itself for 72 hours, was to obfuscate and misdirect away from the Bruce Ohr testimony to Congress. Ohr testified that EVERYONE at Obama's Justice Dept. knew the Steele Dossier was a sleazy political hit piece ginned up by Hillary Clinton, but they used it to dupe the FISA court, anyways.

A better headline is 'Mueller can't give Democrats what they want.'

Bang the Drum: Media Miscues Always Occur in the Liberal Direction
From City Journal: "Reporters have always made errors, but mistakes should occur independent of ideology. What we’re seeing instead is a pattern — media miscues always occur in the same direction, in favor of the liberal perspective."

Correction: Not liberal - Leftist; a Leftist perspective. A man with a hammer sees everything as a nail. A journalist with an agenda sees everything as a target. If I'm your target, you're my enemy. It's just that simple.

Covington Kids Smeared by Media Now Going To The White House
"On Tuesday, Nick Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High school who was at the center of the controversy with Native American Nathan Phillips last Friday near the Lincoln Memorial, confirmed to The Daily Wire that the White House has reached out to host the students. Sandmann said, "The President wants to send a plane down to get us."

One, I hope Trump serves them all Chic-Fil-A sandwiches. Two, it's time to call out Leftists in Congress & the MSM as garbage human beings concerning their blatant anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic bigotry.

Boeing’s self-flying taxi completes its first flight.
I'll pass on this until the self-driving car guys can make a car that doesn't crash or run over people.

Avocados and almonds aren't vegan ... say what?
No one. Cares. Seriously. Get a life.