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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

KC Chiefs Seek New Defensive Coordinator

From the AP via Independence Examiner: "The Kansas City Chiefs fired defensive coordinator Bob Sutton on Tuesday, just two days after Kansas City failed to stop Tom Brady and the New England Patriots on what turned out to be the only possession of overtime in a crushing 37-31 playoff defeat...

“Bob is a good football coach and a great person. He played an integral role in the success of our team over the last six seasons,” (Chiefs coach Andy) Reid said. “I’ve said before that change can be a good thing for both parties, and I believe that is the case here for the Chiefs and Bob.”

Even from the cheap seats, casual NFL fans could tell there was something terribly wrong with the Chief's 'no defense' defense. The only successful game plan was to win in a shoot-out against other high scoring teams, and with a unicorn like Mahomes, it worked - until it didn't.

Andy Reid mulled over replacing 67 y.o. Bob Sutton last year, but gave him one chance, so this post-season heartache is all on Reid. Finding another job at 67 years of age is tough in any line of work, but I think Bob Sutton will land on his feet somewhere, if he chooses.