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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Univ. Georgia Alumni to Stop Donating After TA Openly Talks of Killing White People

 My guess is Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is not his roll model.

The news about this violent racist rhetoric from this University of Georgia teaching assistant was first published last week by Campus Reform.

The TA is a Ph.D. student at UGA - in the Philosophy Dept.! His name is Irami Osei-Frimpong. Look him up and say 'Hi.'

“We had to kill some white people to get out of slavery. Maybe if we’d killed more during the 20th century we still wouldn’t talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing, education, and employment discrimination. This should not be controversial.” - UGA TA Irami Osei-Frimpong

This is not a one-off. There's much more. Mr. Osei-Frimpong has since deleted the violent racist posts from a social media account associated with UGA, but they're still up on his private social media platforms. Campus Reform has screen shots. 

From Campus Reform: "While UGA initially characterized Osei-Frimpong's remarks as "personal opinions" made in his "personal capacity," the school responded to a petition by former Campus Reformcorrespondent and UGA alum Andrew Lawrence to stop donating to UGA Sunday, saying that UGA was checking with the Office of the Attorney General "as to what actions we can legally consider in accordance with the First Amendment."

Yes, yes. First Amendment. Free Speech, and all points of view. The universities are great proponents nowadays. No?

But this is a horsecrap argument. SCOTUS has ruled on several ocassions that incitment to violence is not protected speech. It's a crime. And TA tenure is not a thing, plus Georgia is an 'at will' employment state. You can be terminated for most any reason.

Thankfully, concerned UGA alumni are #Resist against hate at their alma mater.

"The alum told Campus Reform that the only way that UGA would get back his donation is if they condemn the TA and dismiss him.

“If this was a conservative teacher stating that the killing of Blacks is what White Students need to be taught, there would be rioting in the streets,” Gerety said.

Another alum, CJ Sullivan, told Campus Reform that she is not giving a single “penny” until UGA handles the issue."