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Monday, June 24, 2019

A Few Headlines

Gallup: More Americans than ever call immigration America’s top problem
"The results come as Washington grapples with an explosion of illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border and as President Trump attempts to work a deal with Democrats to calm the situation. Congress is ready to OK a $4.6 billion humanitarian package to improve conditions at the border.

Gallup found that while Americans are worried about the issue, they have a mixed view of immigrants. For example, they cite crime and taxes as one of the top reasons they are negative on immigration. But they also said that immigrants are good for the economy."

Yes. Legal immigrants who assimilate. A double-minded society is unstable in all its ways...

Acting DHS Chief 'Sabotaged' ICE Raids By Leaking Plan To Washington Post
"ICE advised the administration to cancel the raids after the leaks not only because targets might have been tipped off by the news and fled wherever they had been staying, but because the leaks could put agents in danger."

The hubris of these 'acting' senior officials is galling, and they act as if with impunity. Why is that?

The Morning Briefing: Immigration Raid Canceled After Rogue Leak
"When are these leakers going to be hunted down and punished? Anyone who is leaking information from the White House needs to be discovered and punished severely. It's dangerous to have unelected bureaucrats deciding to influence policy by trying to embarrass the administration. It's Trump's fault that he hasn't smoked out these activists and fired them or put them in an office with nothing other than a crossword puzzle and a pencil."

I thought Trump was famous for saying "You're fired!"

Chicago Mayor ‘Will Not Cooperate’ With ICE To Deport Illegal Immigrants
"One way that the mayor will not cooperate is to prevent ICE from accessing the Chicago Police Department’s “databases related to federal immigration enforcement activities.”

History reminds us that the old Confederacy used the same pattern of nullification in the run-up to the Civil War.

Judge orders special prosecutor be appointed to look into Jussie Smollett controversy
"“… The unprecedented irregularities identified in this case warrants the appointment of independent counsel to restore the public’s confidence in the integrity of our criminal justice system.”"

Like Baltimore, Seattle, and San Fransisco, Chicago is little more than a cancerous banana republic - all controlled for decades by Democrats.

Texas To Send 1,000 National Guardsmen To Border To Address Illegal Alien Surge
"The fact that the federal government is picking up the tab is interesting (and entirely appropriate)."

Congress won’t fund the one thing we need to enforce CURRENT law
"The issue, then, is lack of interior enforcement. Thanks to endless lawfare and lack of resources, illegal aliens, including other countries’ most violent criminals and drug traffickers, remain here indefinitely. Congress addressed the lawfare in 1996 by unanimously passing a bill that ensured that any illegal immigrant caught within two years of coming here is deported immediately under “expedited removal” without any review by an immigration judge, much less a federal judge. Yet, because every administration has refused to implement that law, illegal aliens have been allowed to stay indefinitely and go through the endless lawfare system, creating a resource problem that our laws were designed to prevent.

Still, there are over 1 million illegal aliens who have already received final deportation orders, with another 1.5 million having already received deportation orders but are in the process of seeking an appeal the 1996 law was designed to foreclose.

If we can’t remove even those at this stage, then our laws are a joke."

We Hold All the Cards in the Showdown with Iran
"Time, then, is on the Americans’ side. But it is certainly not on the side of a bankrupt and impoverished Iran that either must escalate or face ruin."

I'm reminded of the old adage "To strike a blow, the hammer must first be drawn back."

Iranian lawmakers chant 'death to America': report
"America is the real terrorist in the world by spreading chaos in countries, giving advanced weapons to terrorist groups, causing insecurity, and still it says ‘Come, let’s negotiate’,” said Masoud Pezeshkian, the deputy speaker of the Iranian parliament, according to the (Reuters) wire service.

Lawmakers responded to his comment by chanting "death to America!"

This is the pernicious hate we're up against, Folks.

Wow: Tucker Carlson Calls National Security Advisor John Bolton a ‘Bureaucratic Tapeworm’
"Tucker was excoriating John for, in his view, pushing from within the administration for a war with Iran.

"The comment came in the aftermath of a tense sequence of events — Iran’s Revolutionary Guard shot down a U.S. spy drone over the Strait of Hormuz Thursday. Subsequently, the President eyed an attack, ultimately pulling back due to the projected (Iranian) casualties."

Politics is part theater, and I like Bolton. Even on a chain, a junkyard dog is a deterrent.

Trump Approved Cyberattacks Against Iran After He Backed Off A Military Assault
"“This operation imposes costs on the growing Iranian cyber threat, but also serves to defend the United States Navy and shipping operations in the Strait of Hormuz,” Thomas Bossert, a former senior White House cyber official in the Trump administration, told The Washington Post Saturday."

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Project Veritas: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam.

Plus: “Insider: Google Violates ‘letter of the law’ and ‘spirit of the law’ on Section 230.”

As discussed here, the FCC (or even Congress) can remove those '230' protections, and let BIG TECH suffer the swarms of libel and defamation lawsuits into oblivion.

FBI warned early and often that Manafort file might be fake, used it anyway
"The second document, known as the “black cash ledger,” remarkably has escaped the same scrutiny, even though its emergence in Ukraine in the summer of 2016 forced Paul Manafort to resign as Trump's campaign chairman and eventually face U.S. indictment.

In search warrant affidavits, the FBI portrayed the ledger as one reason it resurrected a criminal case against Manafort that was dropped in 2014 and needed search warrants in 2017 for bank records to prove he worked for the Russian-backed Party of Regions in Ukraine.

There’s just one problem: The FBI’s public reliance on the ledger came months after the feds were warned repeatedly that the document couldn’t be trusted and likely was a fake, according to documents and more than a dozen interviews with knowledgeable sources."

The FBI sold its decades of credibility with the public for a worthless witch hunt in hopes of curried political favor which went down in flames with the failure of Hillary Clinton. The since-resigned-in-disgrace, upper management of this corrupt organization need to be put in prison.

'Scorched Earth': Mueller's Targets Speak Out
"Their firsthand accounts pull back the curtain on the secret inner workings of the Mueller probe, revealing how the special counsel's nearly two dozen prosecutors and 40 FBI agents used harshly aggressive tactics to pressure individuals to either cop to crimes or implicate others in felonies involving collusion.

Although they interacted with Mueller’s team at different times and in different places, the witnesses and targets often echoed each other. Almost all decried what they called Mueller’s “scorched earth” methods that affected their physical, mental and financial health. Most said they were forced to retain high-priced Washington lawyers to protect them from falling into "perjury traps" for alleged lying, which became the special counsel’s charge of last resort.  In the end, Mueller convicted four Trump associates for this so-called process crime, and investigated an additional five individuals for allegedly making false statements – including former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Some subjects of investigation said Mueller’s agents and prosecutors tried to pressure them into admitting things to give the appearance of collusion. They demanded to know if they had spoken to anyone with a “Russian accent.” They threatened to jail them "for life" and to drag their wives or girlfriends into the investigation.

Former special prosecutors say the tactics used by Mueller’s team appear excessive."

War hero or no, there's a special place in hell for Robert Mueller, and his ruthless henchman Andrew Weissman.

5.8 Million Individuals Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump
"Overall food stamp participation had consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its peak in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plummeted once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for a set number of hours per week to receive benefits."

Federalism is a beautiful thing, man.