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Friday, July 26, 2019

CNN's 'Jewish Pigs' Problem

Problem or a pattern? Pundits come and go, but the internet is forever. And this ugly bigotry is not merely an isolated incident.

Cheryl K. Chumley at The Washington Times reported this morning,
"CNN has just accepted the resignation — code for “resign or we’ll fire you” — of photo editor Mohammed Elshamy over messages he posted on Twitter in 2011 that went, in part, like this: Die, all you “Jewish pigs.”

No doubt there’ll be some sensitivity training coming ‘round the mountain for CNN’s remaining."
Oh, yas.  The Memory Hole Style Guide is replete with 'sensitivity training.'

Chumley continues,
"Elshamy, on March 23, 2011, wrote this in a tweet, as reported by the Jewish Journal: “More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode.”

...Elshamy managed to escape CNN censors and get hired in January; it was Arthur Schwartz, a Republican strategist, who brought the shameful tweets to light just this week.

Elshamy’s Twitter account is now private. Meanwhile, CNN has issued an apology."
Apologies are cheap for employees who resign after revelations about online anti-Semitic ugliness from 8 years ago. Yet just 8 short months ago, in November 2018, CNN had another ugly anti-Semitic mess on their hands in the name of CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill.

CNN Refuses To Condemn CNN Pundit’s Anti-Semitism.
David Harsanyi at The Federalist reminds us:
"It didn’t hit me at the time to mention that a perfect example of this trend could be found on CNN. Marc Lamont Hill, allegedly “one of the leading intellectual voices in the country,” according to the network, already boasted a long history of using anti-Semitic rhetoric, not only defending terrorists abroad but praising Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan here at home.

On Wednesday, Hill gave speech in front of the United Nations, advocating for violence against the Jewish State and dropping the well-known eliminationist phrase, “from the river to the sea,” a favorite of Hamas and other Islamic terror groups, to the applause of representatives from theocrats and tyrannies around the world.

No one uses this phrase accidentally — certainly not in this context. Certainly not someone smart enough to be considered one of the nation’s leading intellectuals."
By December last year, a spokesperson from the network said in an email, "Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN." 

CNN did not explain why or condemn his advocacy for violence against the Jewish State.

Couple the shameless anti-Semitic bigotry at CNN to the very vocal anti-Semitic bigotry repeatedly expressed by neophyte politicians such as Democrat representatives, Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Tlaib, and one can only conclude the Left, in general, has a very nasty case of systemic Jew hatred in its midst.

Ex-Israeli Amb. Says Israel Ought To Ban ‘Racist’ Omar, Tlaib from Visiting Country
“Certainly these two members of Congress show that they hate Israel, they hate Jews — which makes them racists, anti-Semitic,” said Daniel Ayalon, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the United States from 2002 to 2006. “Certainly we should not play to their provocation.”

Both Omar and Tlaib have made controversial comments about Israel in the past.

Omar for her part, came under fire for suggesting earlier this year that U.S. support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins,” according to The Daily Caller. She also once claimed in a since-deleted tweet that Israel has “hypnotized the world.”

Tlaib, meanwhile, said in May, per The Washington Post: “There’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, had been wiped out.”
To paraphrase the Professor, "Why is the Left such a cesspool of anti-Semitism?