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Monday, September 09, 2019

Saudi Arabia Trying to Improve Image by Using Media Influencers

What the hell are 'media influencers?' Marshall McLuhan call yer office.

 Headscarf, young lady? Never mind. Influencers = propagandists.

Although, 2018 saw Saudi women granted permission to legally drive for the first time in the kingdom's history. However, a woman is still under the authority of a male guardian in her family, and requires a chaperone's supervision for public outings. And Jews are forbidden from entering Saudi Arabia. And homosexuals are still executed. And apostacy is punishable by death. And all things Valentines Day are banned in the Saudi kingdom (yes, really).

The societal progress is astounding. Look, pretty pictures on instagram. Aww.

From Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection:
"Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has tried to open the kingdom to the rest of the world by loosening “social restrictions.” He celebrated “a concert by French DJ David Guetta at a motor racing festival also attended by influencers.”

Saudi Arabia will also “issue tourist visas for the first time later this month.”

Sane people had perfect reactions to this news. Some of us cannot brush aside the brutality that remains in the regime despite the changes made by Prince Mohammed."
As I said, influencers = propagandists.