Videos WhatFinger

Monday, June 30, 2008

How stupid is Wesley Clark?

EM over at HA counts the ways.

Plus, enumerates the obamanator's less than stellar resume.

Not only can every argument Clark made get applied more to Obama than to McCain, he has now made it clear that the Obama strategy is to demean and belittle McCain’s military service — and by extension, military service in general. This will undoubtedly play very well among Obama’s nutcase fringe supporters as well as idiotic fired commanders of NATO, but that’s a mighty thin list of voters. The rest of the nation will hear these attacks and stand aghast at the dishonorable and outrageously stupid disparagement of a lifetime of service to this nation and understand with crystal clarity the radical nature of Barack Obama and his team.

We can only hope, but, since most the nanny state electorate are a gub'mint edjumacated lot, I'm not holding out much hope.

Hypocrisy; Thy name is Liberal.

Or, more specifically, Barak Milhous Obama.

"Tell us why, LB. Tell us why!"

Funny you should ask. Surber has the answer.

Another Darwin Award Applicant

Yes, it's a teenager. And, yes, that should be tragically sad, if the kid didn't try So. Darn. Hard. to be stupid.

Teen Decapitated by Batman Ride at Georgia Six Flags.

Six Flags officials are uncertain why 17-year-old Asia Leeshawn Ferguson of Springfield, South Carolina scaled two six-foot fences and passed signs that said the restricted area was both off-limits and dangerous to visitors, spokeswoman Hela Sheth said in a news release.

I can hear the lawyers... ambulance chasers... parasites mobilizing for the exorbitant punitive hustle already.

Where's my income redistribution check, Uncle Bush?

IRS Flooded With Calls About Stimulus Checks.

The government began sending payments April 28. So far, about 85.2 million payments totaling $70.78 billion have been distributed. IRS officials estimate 124 million payments totaling $100 billion will be made this year. Those eligible are getting as much as $600 apiece -- or $1,200 for married couples filing jointly -- plus $300 for each eligible child under 17.

In recent weeks, tens of millions of Americans have been flooding the Internal Revenue Service with questions about the government's economic-stimulus payments. Some callers want to know why their payment hasn't arrived and when it will. Others want to know why they didn't get as much as they had expected.

"To each according to their expectations."

Ah, the marxist-pavlovian conditioning continues...

Wake up, sheeple!

From Bikinis to Dental Floss

A Brief History of the Bikini. In pictures.

Of course.

That's right, boys n girls!

We know who you grrrls are... Just in time for that perennial Hotter Than The ~going to the beach/lake/pool fave~ Fourth of July, it's another cheap web traffic post!
Sixty years ago this week, the world's first bikini made its debut at a poolside fashion show in Paris.
And, as you can see by the fresco repro up above, this type of female attire is not new.

But, for the Post-Puritan, soon to be Post-Christian West, the bikini's arrival offended even European modesty.
When the bikini first arrived, its revealing cut scandalized even the French fashion models who were supposed to wear it; they refused, and the original designer had to enlist a stripper instead.

You've come a long way, baby. And, like most things, the bikini has shrunk with age. So much so, that one has to wonder, "Why even bother?" (nsfw)

Still, most Westerners don't even bat an eye (if, maybe, wag the tongue) at many of the varied forms, and form, of female beach/lake/pool attire.

And, no matter how abused the choice, it's all still infinitely better than that perennial islamic fave - the burkini.

~Finally: Be safe out there. Even though it's a boat, you're still driving. No alcohol on the water, numbnuts!

Flooded Mississippi River to crest at St. Louis Today

"How high's the water, momma?" "It's 38 ft. high n risin..."

ST. LOUIS, Missouri (Reuters) - Levees on the cresting Mississippi River held on Sunday as the worst U.S. Midwest flooding in 15 years began to ebb, but multibillion-dollar crop losses may boost world food prices for years.

The swollen river was expected to crest on Monday in St. Louis at 38.9 feet, 11 feet below the record set in 1993 and a level considered "manageable," said U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District spokesman Alan Dooley.

"The crest in the areas up the Mississippi River in the district has passed," Dooley said. "The water is still up very high and it is up against levees."

There were no fresh levee breaks reported on Sunday.

But the horrible cost in lives, property, and money continues to mount all over the Mid-West.
Since mid-May, storms and severe weather have killed at least 24 people, flooded more than 3.4 million acres of land and caused billions of dollars of damage to crops. U.S. President George W. Bush declared more than 103 counties in Illinois, Missouri and Iowa disaster areas, making them eligible for federal assistance.

FEMA is bringing 100 mobile homes into Iowa from Arkansas and Maryland to shelter families, and as many as 700 units may be needed, said Bill Vogel, the federal coordinating officer for Iowa..

The agency has paid more than $115 million to homeowners in three states to help rebuild.

The economic ripple effect on food is just starting.
Fears that as many as 5 million acres of corn and soybeans have been lost to flooding in the world's largest grain and food exporter pushed corn and livestock prices to record highs in the last week.

The ripple inflation effect on global food prices as U.S. prices soar has alarmed everyone from central bankers to food aid groups. Fears that livestock herds will be culled because of soaring corn feed prices may push meat prices up for years.

Flood aid and relief issues also poured into the political arena.
Of course.

But, as George notes, what hasn't been seen, besides the preening BDS political opportunists out of hollyweird, are the rampant reports of the various 'looting louies' across the heartland.
1. We don't see looting.
2. We don't see street violence.
3. We don't see people sitting on their rooftops waiting for the government to come and save them,
4. We don't see people waiting on the government to do anything.
5. We don't see people blaming President Bush.
6. We don't see people ignoring evacuation orders.
7. We don't see the US Senators or the Governor of Iowa crying on TV.
8. We don't see gangs of people going around and randomly shooting at the rescue workers.

Why are libs so hateful & intolerant?

And foul mouthed , too.

This obamanator supporter threatens violence against a radio station & wishes John McCain dead.(audio)

But it's them closed minded, oppressive rethuglicans that are real threat to this nation.

And don't you forget it!

The non-recession continues

From EM over at HA:
"Remember this when politicians and the media talk about “the worst economy since the Great Depression”. When the real numbers come out, no one bothers to report them. The hyperbole serves them better than the truth."

Obama internet news stories vs. McCain internet news stories

A 3.63 to 1 ratio in favor of the obamanator. And most every major news organization on this rock has a web site.

Now this wasn't just a compilation of political news stories that mentioned both men. This 3.63 to 1 ratio is of obamanator stories that only featured the obamanator vs. McCain stories that only featured McCain.

3.63 to 1 ratio.

Ok. So what, you intolerant, neocon whiner. Who cares and why does it matter? Simply this: Advertising pays; and perception is reality - especially on the internet where the search engine ranking is king.

From Patrick Ruffini:

Here's how it works. Free media drives search traffic. Search traffic drives website traffic. Website traffic drives contributions and signups who can later be resolicited for money.

The Obama campaign spends in seven figures monthly on paid search advertising on Google alone, and speaking from experience, they are probably making the money back many times over. Paid search alone is a significant source of revenue for the Obama campaign, and it is driven by the media.

There is a direct correlation between media coverage and money. The reason why Obama can go private is because of the tens of thousands of surplus media stories he is getting.

Is googlag becoming the new MSM?

TY to HA

There's no bias in TV news

Of course, anyone would intersperse clips of Charles Bronson's 'death wish' with Ah-nalds 'commando' when reporting on the recent SCOTUS ruling about the second amendment and citizens possessing firearms.

Especially CNN & MSNBzzzzz. (video)

But there's no bias in TV news!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Look to your right (of course)

Over there. Under 'a pause for the cause'. See that donation meter and how high it is?

Good money for a good cause. Click this link and leave a note to say thank you to Michelle & Melanie for all their hard work which made this web-a-thon a success.

Republicans, Democrats Differ on Creationism

It's been anecdotal internet meme: the religious Republican right vs the amoral Democratic left, in terms of "Did God Speak?". Especially about origins.

Well, Gallup did a survey, and put some hard numbers to it all. What they found out confirms the meme: Republicans much more likely than Democrats to believe humans created as-is 10,000 years ago.

How much so?

There is a significant political divide in beliefs about the origin of human beings, with 60% of Republicans saying humans were created in their present form by God 10,000 years ago, a belief shared by only 40% of independents and 38% of Democrats.

As seen here, Republicans are in general sympathetic to the creationist explanation of the origin of humans, and if the issue of what is taught in schools relating to evolution and creationism surfaces as a campaign issue, McCain's response could turn out to be quite important.

Louisiana's Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal must think those numbers are important since he just signed into law allowing Intelligent Design to be part of the science curriculum in Louisiana's gub'mint schools.

Any long time reader of this blog (thanx mom!) knows I don't think much of I.D. as science, but I agree with it as philosophy. Either way, it's a slippery slope in gub'mint schools because, next thing you know, the flying spaghetti monster crowd, or the islamists will demand their class time (and tax dollars).

AP at HA says here comes the litigation!

The Dwindling of the Baptists?

Not really.

Having lost 40,000 members last year, America's second biggest religious body was described as "dwindling" by a Washington Post headline, which other media echoed.

In contrast to Mainline Protestant denominations like Episcopalians and Presbyterians, the SBC is overwhelmingly conservative. During the 1980s, conservative Baptists, derided as "fundamentalists" by critics, were alarmed by liberal inroads and solidified their governance of church agencies and seminaries. Southern Baptist and other evangelical churches have enjoyed almost unfettered growth in recent decades (esp.among minorities), while the once dominant Mainline denominations are now in their fifth decade of decline.

Read it all.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's electric...

And gasoline. But the 1.0-liter, three-cylinder internal combustion engine simply powers a generator which recharges a pack of lithium-ion batteries.

The ‘Chevy Volt’ hits the road - in beta mode only. It's the flailing General Motors Corporation's entry into the hybrid market.

But, like most prototype productions cutting new teeth, it's over priced. Guestimates are around $35,000 to $40,000. GM test runs claim top end of 80 MPH, but a very limited range of just 40 miles per recharge. I wonder if the Marshal will allow it on the golf course?

GM predicts that ‘real’ prototypes wearing the actual Volt bodywork will be running around by next spring. Production models should be available just over a year after that. “We’re good for November 2010,” says GM’s vice chairman, Bob Lutz.

But will the lithium-ion battery tech be obsolete before the showroom models even arrive? Texas based Eestor Corp. says, "Yes".

PS: Keep "your" money, John McCain. American ingenuity will survive just fine without gub'mint intervention (and strings), thank you very much.

"I only sleep with democrats."

Perhaps that explains the serious inbreeding. And exploding STDs.

"Barak Balled" sets you straight (metaphorically speaking). (video)

Update: Pirates have more scruples. Check it out!

Letterman's 'Late Show' : poorest ratings evuh!

It couldn't happen to a nicer democratic socialist propaganda shill.

Maybe one day all of David's guests, these far left hollyweird loon toons, will have to pay to broadcast their seditious socialist sewage.

Aging, tepid RINO Fx'd with has-been 80's skank

Calvin Coolidge? Where are you??

1930s Marital Scale

It's sexist! It's culturally insensitive! It's makes no allotment for 'gender bending'!

But who gives a steaming pile o' dog squeeze? It's Saturday & you're on the internet wasting time.

So let's do the time warp and find out how do you rate as a husband or wife of the 1930s?


Pimp My Greyhound!

Be on the obamanator bus, or under it.

Let the 57 state tour begin!

Barbed Wire — the Beta Version

Introduced June 25, 1867. Krykee doodle. That was Wednesday, and I missed it!

Don't laugh. During America's Westward expansion, barbed wire was to the vast open range like tera-byte servers are to today's bloated computer programs and huge files: a way to corral an enormous undertaking into manageable sectors and assign tasks.

The fencing wire fence available at the time was brittle, and cattle could rub against the smooth wire with impunity until it broke or the fence posts loosened.

Joseph F. Glidden got his idea for barbed wire when he saw Henry M. Rose's invention at a county fair: boards with sharp nails hanging from a smooth-wire fence. Glidden thought the board unnecessary and expensive: Why not put the barbs directly in the wire?

Some people objected to the "devil's rope" as cruel to livestock, and they formed anti-barbed-wire associations. They initially got legislation passed in some states to ban barbed wire or at least hold fencers responsible for any damages they caused. But barbed wire caught on, as it were, because it was more effective and less expensive than other cattle fences. By the early 1880s, U.S. manufacturers were turning out half a million miles of barbed wire every year.

Soon there were 570 different patents for different types of wire, twists and barbs. A three-year legal battle ensued, but Glidden triumphed over all. By the time of his death in 1906, he was one of America's richest men.

Bill Gates would be proud.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Fist of God

1,000 pound war pron bomb drops for rat killin' purposes in Iraq & Afghanistan.

*Mild language warning

What would the world do without parasites lawyers?

High-profile lawyer gets 5 years for conspiring to bribe a judge.

It was the maximum sentence possible under a plea deal worked out with government prosecutors.

U.S. District Judge Neal Biggers ordered Scruggs to pay a $250,000 fine as well as for the cost of his incarceration, which was due to start on Aug. 4, according to a local television journalist who attended the hearing.

Scruggs appeared to cry at one point during the hearing and left the courtroom without speaking to reporters. The judge told him he should continue to cooperate with prosecutors over the case.

But don't weep for scruggs, blog readers. Even after he pays the quarter mil fine, and the cost of locking him up, plus losing his law license, 'ol dickie' will still be sitting pretty:
Richard "Dickie" Scruggs made millions through landmark lawsuits against tobacco, pharmaceutical and construction companies. He also sued insurance companies after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

I'm pretty sure his private jet will be waiting for him, too.

So next time you wonder why your premiums are sky high, or your prescription meds cost a pound of flesh, or your new office or house requires multiple bank loans to acquire, you can thank this blood sucking lawyer... fountain pen thief... parasite.

But wait. There's more! OverLawyered has a mile long rap sheet on this 'dickie' that'll take you a week to read through (not counting nausea breaks).

What would the world do without parasites lawyers?

MTV lifts ban on Political Advertising

"Dat's da way ya do it! Get yer money for advertising; give the hype for free!"

The Viacom MTV Networks channel -- once known for round-the-clock music videos and now home to a host of reality shows -- says it will now take political ads, though only from political candidates and party political committees, not from third parties.

As recently as the presidential primaries this year, MTV had refused all political ads, even as it has heavily promoted its "Choose or Lose" get-out-the-vote effort.

Gee. Ya think this might have something to do with the yuteful demographic the obabamantor pulls in?

Oh, no. That would be so... know... like, establishment-like.

But big bucks does buy an awful lot of rationalization.
MTV's announcement of the switch follows a report in the New York Times on June 22 that Democratic Sen. Barack Obama's campaign wanted to do an MTV buy. It's also probably not a coincidence that Mr. Obama, who is opting out of public funding, will likely have plenty of money to spend on youth-directed ads. A political expert said the most immediate beneficiary of the switch is the Obama campaign.

"I think MTV's decision to accept advertising is an important indication that the youth vote this year will have a real impact on the outcome of the election," said Tad Devine, a Democratic campaign strategist who handled Sen. John Kerry's campaign four years ago. "Now campaigns have the opportunity to reach young voters in a venue where they congregate, and I'm sure Obama's campaign will look seriously at advertising there, given his advantage with young people."

D@mn, I'm good.

A big TY to ACE!

N. Korea symbolically ends its nuclear-weapons programs

North Korea has destroyed the cooling tower at its Yongbyon nuclear complex.

...the destruction of the tower, the most visible element of the nuclear complex at Yongbyon, 60 miles north of Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, affirmed the incremental progress that has been made in American-led multilateral efforts to end North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs.

I blame George Bush. Sister Toldjah agrees with moi, and says appeasement monkeys Carter & Clinton ain't none to happy because, once again, President Bush has shown that strength & respect trump a pandering prostrate posture any day.

Will the defeat-o-crats never learn?

EM over at HA has the video of the razed nork tower.

Is hollyweird threatening our values?

"A new survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life asked Americans if Hollywood ‘threatened’ their values: 42 percent said it did, 56 percent said it did not.

That this question even needs to be asked should tell you something about the overall esteem the industry is held in."

And remember, folks: Your movie going dollars help to finance - not only this crap - but the far left, loon toon, seditious political propaganda which many of these 'beautiful people' gleefully participate in, and insultingly call 'entertainment'.

Female CBS reporter accused of sexual misconduct with married soldiers

Surber puts a fine point on it:

Sleeping with sources is always a bad idea. But hey, the First Amendment allows journalists to disobey all laws, all the time, anywhere. This is why everyone loves the mainstream media.

Prison sentence for woman in Nigerian check scam

It's a bout time! Maybe now my email box won't get crammed so full of their crap!

60 y.o. teacher had sex with summer school student

And some of his friends.

They had sex at least 15 times, including an encounter where another teen boy participated, the report said.

Which just goes to prove that these walking bags of teen hormones will hit on anything - including a bag. (my bad)

Me thinks there's a serious problem with gub'mint schools and the people they hire.

TY KC Crime Scene

McCain is pro-life

Sort of. He does believe that roe v wade should be overturned, but then goes limp:

"Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat."

Sorry. That type of thinking wasn't right with slavery, and it ain't right with infanticide. Some things in this world are just morally wrong. Period.

But, apparently, a Republican shouldn't even think about roe v wade because the feminazis have their knickers in a bunch over this leftist 'gotcha' video.

Missouri Democrat for Governor Jay Nixon Breaks State Law

Larry Schepker, Blunt's commissioner of Administration, said he began investigating Nixon's office in May at the request of House Budget Chairman Allen Icet, R-Wildwood.

“I have discovered that the state's top legal officer has violated state law in the operation of his office,” Schepker told reporters. “Attorney General Nixon's staff intentionally deposited the settlement proceeds into the wrong fund. ...

It's not on world...

...and this is not cherry picking on islam because these are not isolated incidents.

Saudi muslim cleric endorses arranged child marriages - even to infant girls.

But, ~and here's the good news~, the cleric recommends that the man wait 'an appropriate time' before sexual intercourse with his 'bride'.

Their prophet, mohammed, is their role model. He deflowered his 'bride', Aisha, at the ripe old age of nine.

Da ladies' man philosophy ~extraordinaire. Watch yer back, Heff.

But, wait. There's more!

In the islamists' phobic attempt to separate the un-familial related sexes, there's 'temporary marriage', practiced both by sunnis & shi'ias, so the horn dogs can get a little nookie without the sin or guilt.

I think in the West that's called 'hooking up', and/or involves money. But I'm no religious scholar.

And who could forget the all important 'nursing fatwah', so an adult man can be in the same room with an un-familial related adult woman - but he has to suckle first, which makes them 'related', and sharia approved.

See how prurient & perverted we Westerners are by comparison?

Fortunately, even most islamists saw how wacked that type of fatwah was, and ridiculed the cleric who issued it.

Not so funny, and frequently deadly serious, are the islamic nutjobs who like to 'enlighten' the world on the proper way a man should beat his mule wife.

Some of these nutjobs even write books about it - for Western consumption!

Thank God there's still some sanity left in Europe.

Of course, in their defense, these 'scholars' simply say they were interpreting the koran. Lovely religion.

But this takes the cake in this mindless muslim misogyny: Top cleric says women without veils must die.

Vatican says Pope doesn't wear prada.

Oh, good. I was losing sleep over that one.

But check out the headline. Don't they have copy editors over at the Trib??

Thursday, June 26, 2008

"From the Frontlines" Live Today 4 PM to Midnight EST

To donate to this great cause, click here.

To watch the live stream on your computer, click here, Gateway Pundit: "From the Frontlines" Live Today 4 PM to Midnight EST, & take up the GP's bandwidth. Ha!

Supreme Court says Americans have right to guns

I'm sorry. But wasn't this covered in civics class 1787?

The court's 5-4 ruling struck down the District of Columbia's 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with gun rights under the Second Amendment.

The split was the usual suspects, with Justice Anthony Kennedy jumping the fence to the right side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
The basic issue for the justices was whether the amendment protects an individual's right to own guns no matter what, or whether that right is somehow tied to service in a state militia.

Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia said that an individual right to bear arms is supported by "the historical narrative" both before and after the Second Amendment was adopted.

The Constitution does not permit "the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home," Scalia said. The court also struck down Washington's requirement that firearms be equipped with trigger locks or kept disassembled, but left intact the licensing of guns.

Scalia noted that the handgun is Americans' preferred weapon of self-defense in part because "it can be pointed at a burglar with one hand while the other hand dials the police."

Gawd, I love that man! But the Court goes on to say the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is not an unlimited right.
Scalia said nothing in Thursday's ruling should "cast doubt on long-standing prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons or the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings."

One can't own machine guns or rocket launchers, either (darn it!).

Everyone and there dog yaps about it here.

Update: (must be because he's so tolerant & open minded) Liberal Blogger Calls on Scalia to be Murdered.

Hello. FBI?

Released Gitmo rat b@st@rd is suicide bomber


AQ in Iraq released a propaganda video which identified the former Gitmo detainee, Abdullah Salih al Ajmi, and his subsequent suicide truck bombing at the Iraqi Army HQ in the Harmat neighborhood of Mosul on March 23, 2008.

Who'd have thunk it?!, since all them islamists detained down there are merely innocent, tortured pawns of the darthcheney death star in booshitler's illegal war.

Afghanistan sacks police chief over jail break

Are you suggesting, sir, that this was an inside job?

"The investigation shows some officials neglected their duties, therefore the government of Afghanistan has decided to sack General Sayed Aqa Saqeb, the provincial police chief of Kandahar," the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

The head of the intelligence agency and the head of police criminal investigations were also removed from their posts and the cases of all three were forwarded to the attorney general's office for further investigation, the ministry said.

Several other officials will also lose their jobs.

"The government of Afghanistan will never allow anyone to play with the security of the Afghan people," the ministry said.

Russian logistic support in Afghanistan?

And NATO invited 'em??

Curiouser -n- curiouser.

This comes on the heels of Germany's pledge to add 1,000 more troops to its 3,500 already in Afghanistan.

There are currently some 60,000 foreign troops supporting operations by the fledgling Afghan National Army. About 43,000 of those foreign troops are under NATO command, and the rest are U.S.-led troops operating under U.S. command.

Troops from the United States, Britain, Canada, and the Netherlands have done the majority of the fighting in southern Afghanistan.

This just in...

Socialized medicine sux!

Aussie man pulls own tooth after 7 years on waiting list.

The NSW opposition says the delays in Mr Miners' treatment in the public dental system are partly caused by the need to have extra emergency medical services on hand in case of heart-related complications.

That's gub'mint for ya. And that's a socialist mindset, too: if the pie is too small, then everyone simply gets a thinner slice. Or none at all. It's called rationing. The opposite socialist reaction is to raise taxes to make one pie bigger. Either solution strangles an economy.

The idea of making more pies - via capitalism - is foreign & abhorrent to the socialist. The generating engine of capitalism is viewed as selfish & detrimental to their dream of a utopian world in which the nanny state gub'mint provides all for its children.

CC: all the obamanator's swooning myrmidons.

FBI Arrests 300 in Child Prostitution Sting

Among those arrested are pimps and prostitutes — some of whom are in their 20s but are said to have admitted selling sex since their early teens, federal law enforcement sources told FOX News. (video)

The Justice Department said it targeted 16 cities as part of its "Operation Cross Country" that caps off five years of similar stings nationwide. To date, the federal child protection initiative has resulted in the recovery of about 433 victims, Mueller said.

Bloomberg reports that the internet has helped cultivate and grow a thriving child prostitution network.
Child prostitution is thriving in the U.S, spurred by online social networking sites, FBI Director Robert Mueller said today at a press briefing in Washington. Instead of forcing children to sell sex in public, pimps set up liaisons via computer, he noted.

``Because of the accessibility and the anonymity the Internet provides, Main Street is quickly becoming an online avenue,'' Mueller said.

Unsafe sex in the city at high rate

Once again, homosexuals lede the list.

Eleven percent of New Yorkers, about 610,000 adults, report having more than one partner in the past year, the report said. Men are three times more likely than women to report multiple partners -- 17 percent versus 6 percent and young adults are four times more likely than older adults to report multiple partners.

New Yorkers with same-sex partners are three times as likely as those with opposite-sex partners to report more than one partner in the past year. Five percent of New Yorkers who are married or in steady relationships say they've had two or more partners in the past year.

Oh, look, honey. CBS has a new show about drug use & wife swapping!

And in Britain there's a cute lil Heinz (you know, mrs. john kerry) mayonnaise commercial featuring kissing homosexuals! Lord knows that's such a huge buying demographic. Oh, wait. It was pulled off the air because of all the public outrage.

But it's coming soon to a North American continent near you. Mark my words.

Wimbledon under fire for pigeon cull

From PETA. Boo-freakin-hoo.

Maybe PETA should clean up the pigeon crap. It's a health hazard, ya know.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gives new meaning to the term 'mass transit'

Miami Beach woman operated 'Brothel On Wheels' with 5 whores at $40 a pop. Seventy-five 'riders' were arrested.

In addition to the arrests, police collected a large amount of evidence from U.S. currency to narcotics and firearms. A missing person was also located.

It ain't a victimless crime, people.

TY KC Crime Scene

The obamantor's 270 electoral vote quest

I almost said 'crusade'.

This video is from the new yorker, so take with a grain of salt.

And despite the obtuse, revisionist bigotry at the end, it looked like a pretty good thumbnail of an election strategy the obamanator might employ to pry away some of those 'bitter-bible thumping-gun nut' electoral votes from traditionally republican states.

CC: the RNC, will ya?

SCOTUS strikes down Death Penalty for Child Rape

The splintered & contentious* 5-4 ruling came with the usual suspects.

I'm opposed to the death penalty on G.P., but if ever there was something that could change my mind, this is it. The case is Kennedy v. Louisiana, 07-343.

TB has all the details.

*I borrowed this hyperbole from the Associated (with terrorists) Press who seem to enjoy tossing it into 'news' stories about court decisions which the AP disapproves of.

Your tax dollars at work...

The ACORN nuts don't fall far from the tree... the money tree in Washington, D.C.

MM has another excellent entry exposing this corrupt, leftist, voter fraud organization that sponges off the tax payers (rede: you & me) as it shills for the democratic socialist party.

What voter fraud, you ask?

~Last July, ACORN settled the largest case of voter fraud in the history of Washington State. Seven ACORN workers had submitted nearly 2,000 bogus voter registration forms. Three ACORN election hoaxers pleaded guilty in October. A King County prosecutor called ACORN's criminal sabotage "an act of vandalism upon the voter rolls."

~The group's vandalism on electoral integrity is systemic. ACORN has been implicated in similar voter fraud schemes in Missouri, Ohio and at least 12 other states. The Wall Street Journal noted: "In Ohio in 2004, a worker for one affiliate was given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and pillars of the community named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey.

Etc., etc., etc.... Do a search on this blog for 'acorn', and you'll learn plenty.

And guess which Chicago politician did major 'activist work' with this corrupt, leftist, voter fraud organization before tossing his hat in the presidential ring?

But wait. There's more! ACORN has its hand deeper into other parts of the tax payers pockets:
~Under the guise of "consumer advocacy," ACORN has received money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD funds hundreds, if not thousands, of left-wing "anti-poverty" groups across the country led by ACORN.

As the Consumer Rights League points out in its new expose, the ACORN Housing Corporation has worked to obtain mortgages for illegal aliens in partnership with Citibank. It relies on undocumented income, "under the table" money, which may not be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

Your tax dollars at work. Rede it all.

Update: more links to the obamanator's ACORN ties here.

Roller coaster Royals

The Royals, 35-43, have now won four in a row and nine of their last 10.

Yup. Our hapless hometown heroes; those boys in blue; the KC Royals, have been hijacked, and replaced with a bunch o' guys who can play baseball! (for now).

At Kaufman Stadium last night they beat the Rockies, 7-3.
That makes 11 victories in 14 games against NL opponents. That’s the best interleague record in the majors. Too bad the Royals have only four more games against NL clubs before returning to American League competition.

No. Not too bad!

This summer roller coaster will end like it always does - with a thud & a whimper.

Let us cow town cud chewers put away this soul sucking, futility of hope that can crush the stoutest of fans. Mediocre sports is what I pay for, and, by golly, they better deliver! All across the world's largest ball yard jumbo-tron.

Yesterday in History

You love it, and you know it.

Yesterday was Tuesday, June 24, the 176th day of 2008. There are 190 days left in the year.

Tuesday's Highlight in History: On June 24, 1948, Communist forces cut off all land and water routes between West Germany and West Berlin, prompting the western allies to organize the massive Berlin Airlift.
Good thang nancy & co. wasn't around back then.

On this date:

*In 1314, the forces of Scotland's King Robert I defeated the English in the Battle of Bannockburn.
*In 1509, Henry VIII was crowned king of England.
*In 1793, the first republican constitution in France was adopted.
*In 1807, a grand jury in Richmond, Va., indicted former Vice President Aaron Burr on charges of treason and high misdemeanor (he was later acquitted).
*In 1968, "Resurrection City," a shantytown constructed as part of the Poor People's March on Washington, D.C., was closed down by authorities.
*Ten years ago: President Clinton left on a nine-day visit to China amid a swirl of controversy over his policy toward the Beijing government. AT&T Corp. struck a deal to buy cable TV giant Tele-Communications for $31.7 billion.

Today's Birthdays: Actor Al Molinaro is 89. Comedian Jack Carter is 85. Movie director Claude Chabrol is 78. Actress Michele Lee is 66. Actor-director Georg Stanford Brown is 65. Rock musician Jeff Beck is 64. Singer Arthur Brown is 64. Rock singer Colin Blunstone (The Zombies) is 63. Musician Mick Fleetwood is 61. Actor Peter Weller is 61. Rock musician John Illsley (Dire Straits) is 59. Actress Nancy Allen is 58. Reggae singer Derrick Simpson (Black Uhuru) is 58. Actor Joe Penny is 52. Reggae singer Astro (UB40) is 51. Singer-musician Andy McCluskey (Orchestral Manoevres in the Dark) is 49. Rock singer Curt Smith is 47. Actress Danielle Spencer is 43. Actress Sherry Stringfield is 41. Singer Glenn Medeiros is 38. Actress-producer Mindy Kaling is 29. Actress Minka Kelly (TV: "Friday Night Lights") is 28. Singer Solange Knowles is 22.

Thought for Today: "Self-denial is indulgence of a propensity to forego." — Ambrose Bierce, American author-journalist (1842-1914?).

Nice try, ambrose, but that was a little too self-indulgent.

An old war horse learns new tricks

From General George Casey, Jr.; current Chief of Staff of the United States Army:

Soldiers that serve on our Transition Teams (TTs) and our Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) are developing exactly the type of knowledge, skills and abilities that are vital for our Army to be effective in an era of persistent conflict.

The tasks associated with Transition Teams, from direct combat to stability operations, will be a major part of full spectrum engagement in theaters of interest now and for the foreseeable future. I want to ensure that the officers that lead these teams are recognized and given the credit they deserve.

Our ability to train and operate effectively with indigenous forces will be a key element of 21st century land power. We need our best involved.

The Donovan explains that the express purpose of any successful military is to blow things up, and kill the enemy. It is a mindset that can contribute to a bad case of 'Last-War-itis'. And, as demonstrated with the current Iraq conflict, that can often leave void of the reconstruction skills necessary when dealing with the indigenous civilian population.

As Gen Casey's letter stated, the Army is aware of this void; is seeking to learn from its mistakes; and acquire the necessary skilled personnel to avoid this problem in the future.

An old war horse learns new tricks.


Under age Gloucester teen breeder claims 'no pact'

On some idiot coffee klatch network morning show.

Yup. That'll discourage all the other over-hormoned heifers out there.

But, the fertile twit maybe telling the truth: there was no pact amongst those 17 pregnant teens at this one massachusetts high school. Most likely it was simply a clique - the perennial high school social network.

Apparently, this new millennium calls for something other than jocks, freaks or geeks: Breeders. Under age, under educated, ill prepared, and overly stupid, teen breeders.

Besides there's plenty of room on the people's republic of massachusetts' welfare rolls, so other people can pay to raise their bastard kids.

So tell me again when the state’s CPS troopers will march in to these gub’mint schools, and round up all these at risk, under age, breeding teen girls?

Oops, this ain't Texas.

More rat killin'

US forces kill al Qaeda's leader in Mosul.

The takedown of al Qaeda's emir in Mosul is the latest blow to the terror network in the North. On June 20, Coalition forces detained al Qaeda's security emir in Mosul. His predecessor was captured just two months prior, and his predecessor was captured in February.

On June 17, Iraqi security forces captured a senior cell leader for the Islamic State of Iraq, an al Qaeda's front group created to put an Iraqi face on the network. On June 11, Coalition forces captured the leader of al Qaeda's illegal court system in the city.

Scores of cell leaders, facilitators, weapons smugglers, and fighters have been captured or killed by US and Iraqi forces during operations in June.

CC: All of nancy & harry's defeat-o-crats. That includes you, obamanator.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clearly, you've never been to Singapore....

730 ton steel ball saves world's 2nd tallest building

That building would be the Taipei 101 building in Taiwan, and this massive damper system prevented serious damage during the recent deadly earth quakes on the chi-com mainland.

What's interesting about the 101 is that it has a gigantic suspended tuned mass damper, or hanging ball, which takes up four stories and works like this to prevent the building from falling over and tragically crushing office workers. This 730 ton sphere looks intimidating when still, but wait until you see it in motion during the earthquake.

Victoria's Circuit: the power of breast motion.

No, this ain't some one handed, beta-male geek freak. And my interest in this mechanical mammary motion is strictly academic. Of course.

Actually, a woman, Adrienne So, wrote this article, and investigates the possibility of harnessing the often annoying (to women) kinetic energy inherent in an athletic female.

"Then one day recently I had an idea. As I rode public transportation to the office, my messenger bag slung uncomfortably across my chest, I thought, "Why not put the girls to work?" Human-powered devices are showing up everywhere, from Rotterdam's sustainable dance floor to human-powered gyms in Hong Kong. The time seemed perfect—perhaps even overdue!—for a bra that could harness the untapped power of breast motion.

Of course, even a bra that perfectly maximized motion (without sacrificing support and comfort) would be useful to me only if there were a way to turn that motion into energy.

For a primer on how to do that, I turned to Professor Zhong Lin Wang of Georgia Tech, who is currently working to develop fabric made from nanowires that will capture energy from motion. Wang's wires are about 1/1,000th the width of a human hair. When woven together in a fabric, these nanowires rub up against one another and convert the mechanical energy from the friction into an electric charge.

A square meter of fiber produces about 80 milliwatts of power, which is enough to run a small device like a cell phone. Wang expects to have a shirt available for purchase within five years."

I love science.

Wanted: Lazy Politicians

Woodlief brings up a good point about these revolving door jabber wokkies, and their rhetoric of 'work' ( for a cause), or 'change' (for the sake of it): If they were really any good at it, they'd be millionaires in the private sector.

Plus, anyone who mentions Fredrick Bastiat & Dr. Seuss in the same blog post is worth recommending.

"This reality won't stop any of them from confidently investing your money in "economic development" as if they have some window into the future of American prosperity, of course, but let's not kid ourselves about what's really going on. While people who work for a living tend to understand that the future is messy and unpredictable (which is why most of us choose to work for large, stable companies rather than risk venturing out on our own), to politicians the future is a term paper problem. Economy in a funk? No problem, says Obama. I covered that at Columbia."

Read it all.

Iraqi forces take control of Anbar province

Must be all those stunning al qaeda military victories. Right Nancy?

"Anbar will be the 10th of Iraq's 18 provinces returned to Iraqi security control since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, but it will be the first Sunni Arab region handed back.

Mamun Sami Rasheed, Anbar's governor, said the handover ceremony would take place on Saturday.

"We have been dreaming of this event since 2003," he said."

Is it my imagination, or is al reuter's reporting more even-handed lately? Just wondering...

Int'l Space Station spreads its wings

So to speak. Shown here is the entire array of expansive solar panels. Click the image to watch how the world's foremost space outpost has developed over the years in this NASA pictorial study.

It's not looking good for 'the porn judge'

Yup. Ol' Judge Kozinski can't keep his robe closed. Or his cyber life private.

Par for the ninth circus.

Saudi AcademyTextbooks Promote Hatred, Intolerance, & Violence

So says the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. These Islamic textbooks are found on the campus of the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) in Fairfax, Virginia. The same Islamic Saudi Academy which graduated one Ahmed Omar Abu Ali in 1999, who was later convicted by the Feds of plotting to assassinate President Bush in 2005.

What's in those school books, you ask?

~Apostates (those who convert from Islam), adulterers and people who murder Muslims can be permissibly killed.
~Polytheism makes blood and wealth permissible," meaning that a Muslim can take with impunity the life and property of someone believed guilty of polytheism. Polytheism includes Shiite and Sufi Muslims as well as Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists.
~Jews were responsible for the split between Sunni and Shiite Muslims.
~The Muslim world was strong when united under a single caliph, the Arabic language and the Sunni creed, and that Muslims have grown weak because of foreign influence and internal divisions.

Lovely stuff, but par for the course for the Saudi government-run school, which has been operating as a base for radical indoctrination and Wahhabi influence within the United States for years - and all under the seeming protection of the State Department.

This fundamentalist wahhabi school is not an isolated curriculum, by any means. Across the U.S. of A., the Saudis are liberally spreading their enormous piles of petro-dollars to affect the change they desire: the spread of islam in America.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the educational realm. Islamists have taken what's come to be known as the "soft jihad" into America's classrooms and children in K-12 are the first casualties. Whether it is textbooks, curriculum, classroom exercises, film screenings, speakers or teacher training, public education in America is under assault.

Along with funding textbooks and curricula, the Saudis are also involved in funding and designing training for public school teachers. The Saudi funded Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University now offers professional development workshops for K-12 teachers. The workshops take place at the hosting institution and provide teachers with classroom material. They are free of charge and ACMCU throws in lunch to boot.

And much of this saudi petro-dollar influence touches the children in a direct, 'field trip' manner:
~Last month, students at Friendswood Junior High in Houston were required to attend an "Islamic Awareness" presentation during class time allotted for physical education. The presentation involved two representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization with a record of Islamist statements and terrorism convictions.

The students were taught that God's name is 'allah'; were taught the five pillars of islam; and how to pray to mecca.
Parents were not notified about the presentation and it wasn't until a number of complaints arose that school officials responded with an apologetic e-mail.

But wait! There's more (which I'm sure the apoplectic, secular/aclu/slippery slope troopers will jump right on to end this egregious violation of 'the wall'??)

Maybe if a teacher wore a 'cross' necklace.....but, I digress:
~Earlier this year at Lake Brantley High School in Seminole County, Fla., speakers from the Academy for Learning Islam gave a presentation to students about "cultural diversity" that extended to a detailed discussion of the Quran and Islam.

~A school project last year at Amherst Middle School transformed "the quaint colonial town of Amherst, N.H., into a Saudi Arabian Bedouin tent community." Male and female students were segregated, with the girls hosting "hijab and veil stations" and handing out the oppressive head-to-toe black garment known as the abaya to female guests.

~And, of course, the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, a charter school in Inver Grove Heights, Minn., with public funding for its overtly religious curriculum.

It is time to rise from our slumber, America. When you believe in nothing of any substance, it's not that you simply believe in nothing - but that you'll believe in anything. And the well financed and determined saudis know this.
The power to educate the next generation is an inestimable one and a free society cedes control at its peril. The days of the "silent majority" are no longer tenable in the face of a determined and clever enemy. The battle of ideas must be joined.

A big TY to Red Planet Cartoons for the 'toon.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Why are 'peace' protesters so hateful & intolerant??

Gateway Pundit: Code Pink Harasses Mother of Fallen Soldier During Tribute

Carlin! P*ss off & die you c#nt faced,s]}it eatin' m0therfu6#@r!

Say. Thems some pretty effective words ya got there, George. May the Lord have mercy on your miserable soul.

Ok. I wasn't going to say anything about this bitter, over hyped, counter-culture anarchist who made Lenny Bruce look like a Shriner by comparison, but since everyone in their tye dyed boomer flash backs are slobbering all over this foul mouthed hippie icon with a love for all things far left, I thought I'd post something, well, you know, counter-culture.

Sister Toldjah almost touched on my brilliant idea with her highlight of a recent quote by the dead guy:
“I don’t have any beliefs or allegiances. I don’t believe in this country, I don’t believe in religion, or a god, and I don’t believe in all these man-made institutional ideas,” he told Reuters in a 2001 interview.
But, in the end, she wussed out in favor of the high road (something foreign to moi).

And ALLAHPUNDIT (makin' da big bucks) over at HA found a Feb., 2008 interview where the bitter, over hyped, counter-culture anarchist expressed an admiration for the obamanator, but also waxed prescient with an assassination proclamation aimed at the obamanator ('cause 'they' won't allow da nig to be president, of course):
...I will admit that there is an adventure and a romance in this Obama story that plucks at a little bit of a string somewhere deep inside me, but I would never get on board to where I could actually invest in it emotionally because I know what they’re going to do to him. I know what’s gonna happen to him.

Q: What?

A: He’s gonna get assassinated. You know that’s going to happen in this country. You think they’re going to allow that s–t?

Where the Huckleberry got rightfully & embarrassingly excoriated for his lil NRA faux pas about an off stage bang turned stupid joke at the obamanator's expense, the foul mouthed hippie got a pass from the leftist-utopian pavlovian rubes who worship at his audio alter of audacity when Carlin talked of the obamanator being assassinated.

UNICEF: Marx for tots

Toddlers are to be taught about human rights and respecting different cultures in a scheme condemned as an "absurd" waste of time.

"Dr Richard House, of the Research Centre for Therapeutic Education at Roehampton University, added: "The idea that this kind of learning is appropriate for nursery-age children is absurd, and betrays a complete lack of understanding of child development.

"Modern culture seems determined to treat children like 'mini-adults' in all kinds of ways, and with major negative effects in terms of their premature growing-up."

Say. That's not a bad description of the amoral, relativistic secular world view philosophy which 'tolerant' leftists are so fond of these days.

Videos of Girls n Guns

How can you go wrong?

MK Freeberg, over at the House of Eratosthenes (you're on your own for the correct pronunciation), has all the particulars.

~Mild language warning on some.

Potty mouths.

John McCain: cracker jack president?

McCain Offers $300 Million Prize for New Auto Battery.

The bounty would equate to $1 for every man, woman and child in the country, "a small price to pay for helping to break the back of our oil dependency," McCain said in remarks prepared for delivery Monday at Fresno State University in California.

The Arizona senator is also proposing stiffer fines for automakers who skirt existing fuel-efficiency standards, as well as incentives to increase use of domestic and foreign alcohol-based fuels such as ethanol.

In addition, a so-called Clean Car Challenge would provide U.S. automakers with a $5,000 tax credit for every zero-carbon emissions car they develop and sell.

"In the quest for alternatives to oil, our government has thrown around enough money subsidizing special interests and excusing failure," said excerpts from McCain’s prepared text. "From now on, we will encourage heroic efforts in engineering, and we will reward the greatest success."

Maverick? Sounds more like a nanny state mule.

Hey, John. Buddy? The tax payers money isn't a slush fund for your 'good intentioned' special interests, either. The lesson here is that our gub'mint needs to stop subsidizing special interests, and contributing to inefficient, and bloated bureaucracy.

We all need to take a lesson from Professor of Economics, Walter E. Williams, when he wisely proclaims, "If it's in the Yellow Pages, the gub'mint has no business being in that business!"

The 'real' Axis of Evil

You know: Oprah, Martha, and the Bravo television channel.

"Sure, they seem like nice folks (other than Martha having a felony jacket), but they have insidiously infiltrated mainstream media. It was one thing when subjects on women's shows stayed among women, but these three satanic majesties have become so popular that their propaganda seeps into shows that we guys watch.

Even worse, the success of The Axis has empowered women everywhere to require the men in their lives to follow along with these nefarious practices.

It's time we manly men stand up to this assault and assert our maleness:"

Let's play: "Spot the Headline Bias!"

Saudi oil boost fails to stem soaring prices.

Oil boost? Isn't it simply a promise of a production boost, and nothing has been actually delivered in the one day since the production boost was agreed to??

"Market analysts suggested the rise in production was insufficient, saying production had to rise to at least 500,000 barrels. Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi admitted yesterday that the move was unlikely to tame prices."

Perhaps a more real time, long term, and violent cause in the continuing upward creep of crude oil prices are the persistent rebel attacks in Nigeria on Nigerian oil production.
"The Saudi increase would be 'more than' offset by Nigerian rebels' sabotage of oil pipelines, Red Cavaney, head of the American Petroleum Institute, a Washington-based oil lobbying group, said today on ABC's 'This Week' program."

Nigeria has been a sore spot for several years.
"Nigeria has fallen to Africa's second-biggest oil producer after Angola since oil production tumbled 20 percent since early 2006. That was when militant groups in the Niger Delta region began sabotaging the oil industry in an effort to gain political power and oil wealth for the impoverished area.

Nigeria is the fifth-biggest oil supplier to the U.S. "

Yup. Perhaps that what the Times UK meant to say.

Blogging the Koran: "The Byzantines & Luqman"

Suras 30 & 31 , respectively, are explained by Robert Spencer over at HA. Great stuff, and well worth the study.

Crude oil prices then & now

James, over at The Kansas Citian, has a good post on the price of crude oil across the decades as compared to other speculation commodities, like silver.

"The cost of a gallon of gas in 2002 was about $1.35. Today it is at $4.08. A growth of 302%

In 2002 the cost of one ounce of silver was $4.60. Today it is $17.32. A growth of 377%."

As you can see from just this small time period the value of oil has stayed relatively similar to the value of silver compared to the US dollar. In fact, silver has increased in cost slightly higher than oil. That's not a good sign for our supply and demand friends, but what happens if we go back farther than just five years?

Canadian vs U.S. health care = U.S. is better

The I.P. characterizes it as Public vs. Private Health Care, and does not come to that conclusion, but I do, and I'll tell you why after you rede the I.P.'s comment:

"From just looking at raw numbers, I would suggest that, with or without a nationalized health care system, a nation will have the similar problems providing health care to the underserved and a comparable 15% of the population will be denied in some manner."

I'll take it one step further, and say that inherent in socialized medicine are rationed quotas that inhibit the amount & frequency of care, even for those covered by such socialized systems. With a free market system, anyone who can marshal the resources can receive care. And not just any care, but the finest medical miracle care available on this rock.

Why do you think Ted Kennedy opted to have brain surgery in the U.S. of A. instead of traveling to Canada, or off shore to his good buddy Castro's Caribbean Clinic??

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Commie China World's Top Bible Printer

"A booming Bible industry is turning the world’s biggest atheist nation into the world’s largest supplier of the Good Book."

I think it has more to do with china’s embrace of job producing free enterprise & money making capitalism than “gettin’ religion”.

“We are printers,” said Li Chunnong, the general manager of the Nanjing Amity Printing Co. plant, which has about 500 employees. “As long as somebody legitimate sends us an order, we will print them.”

“We have the same structure as a Motorola or a Philips,” said Dean, a New Zealander who has worked with the company in China since 1991. “They make cellphones and TV tubes, and we’re producing Bibles.”

Or, maybe not:
An estimated 30 million Christians now worship in government-approved churches that fall under the control of religious “patriotic associations.” Tens of millions more are said to pray in underground outlets.

The renewed demand for religion was met with a shortage of teaching material.

Today, more than three-quarters of Amity’s Bibles are printed for domestic consumption.

Can I get an ‘Amen!’?

And here’s where the gawdless pinko commies have one up on the islamo-fascists:
“Before I came to work here, I had never heard of the Bible,” said Yi Shuhong, 40, a 20-year employee.

Like many co-workers her age, she had years of exposure to the holy text at work, and that helped open her heart to Christianity. Those who converted said they were won over by proselytizers who came to their homes and who perhaps believed that their jobs made them more willing to listen.

“No one in my family believes in God,” Yi said. “But they are not against me for converting.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

From the Front Lines: must see streaming internet!

Better than the boob tube!

On June 26, starting at 4 pm Eastern, tune into this livestreamed, 8-hour fund-raising “web-a-thon” to send the largest number of care packages in U.S. history to our troops overseas.

Hosted by Melanie Morgan & Michelle Malkin with a star studded line-up, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Dr Laura Schlessinger, Ollie North, Monica Crowley, Ann Coulter, Nancy Reagan, actor Kelsey Grammer, and Five for Fighting’s John Ondrasik.

Click on over to HotAir for more details, or make a donation to show our volunteer troops how much this nation appreciates them!

The 2 hanky, maudlin nanny enlightens us on homo 'marriage'

Yup. The oprah has much to satirically say on this current event. Or maybe she's just swooning for some same/same spooning?

I'm so confused. Can I get a gub'mint subsidy??

Plus, the obamanator is in there somewhere. No. Not the rump ranger rodeo....

Check it out:

America is an Obamanation!: The Oprah on California's recent same-sex "marriage" legislation.

For Americans, $4 gasoline is the issue

Surber has an excellent op/ed up over at the Daily Mail. He once again shows why he makes the big bucks.

Congress banned offshore drilling 25 years ago.

Thanks to $4-a-gallon gasoline, 67 percent of Americans now favor offshore drilling, the Rasmussen Poll reported.

Forget the war, which we have won.

Forget the economy, which is not as bad as advertised.

It's the oil, stupid.

Americans want it.

Rede it all.

A 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube???

Believe it. And here's the 'easy' solution, but, since it's a googlagtube video, it won't be embedded on this blog, so you'll have to click this link.

..I'm still trying to cheat solve the 3x3x3 cube...!

Keira Knightley: over-hyped, anorexic, ingenue...

...Who talks too much about exposing what she really doesn't have: boobs.

~That's right, boys n girls - another cheap web traffic post!

Plus an excuse to hook you up with the Pirate Link Fest Thangy, and many blogs much more interesting than this one.

Apparently, Ms. Knightly had a new romance movie debute at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. In it, she dared to bare her boney self in scene with her on screen beau - a beau who obviously has a thinly disguised thang for pubescent boys... Ok. I made up that last part

But, ya'll was thinking it. I simply said it!

True, Ms. Knightly has returned a certain classical steel magnolia charm to the big screen with her feisty character portrayals of the young girl turned heroine who conquers bad scripts and bad guys, but as a young woman growing into more 'adult' parts, that boyish exterior coupled with her still girlish personality simply does not translate well to more 'mature' rolls. Not yet, anyways.

Just, please, don't go all homosexual on us. And someone buy that girl a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, with greasy curly fries and a big milk shake. Krykee!

In memory of Allan Kelly

Go visit all the Skipper's creations here.

Democrats: the party of voter fraud

Do a search on this blog for 'ACORN', and you'll rede for yourself the documented proof of this corrupt, leftist, voter fraud organization that shills for the democratic socialist party.

MM details how your tax dollars help subsidize this wicked organization in its goal to undermine the integrity of the democratic process of this Republic.

Your tax dollars at work! people. What are you going to do about it?

Friday, June 20, 2008

IRS redistributes $64 billion dollars with 'stimulus' checks

You can thank Uncle George, the RINO.
WASHINGTON -- The Internal Revenue Service has issued 76.5 million payments worth $63.8 billion as part of the economic stimulus package that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law last February.

Eligible individuals can receive up to $600, and married couples $1,200, plus $300 for eligible children younger than 17. For people such as retirees who have no tax liability or filing requirement, there is a minimum payment of $300, or $600 for married couples.

The IRS expects to issue 124 million stimulus payments by the end of the year.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. Carrot & stick nanny state crap.

How about simply fixing the flippen tax code to make it more fair??!!

Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax. Flat 10% income tax.

Pay attention congress critters!

Just a reminder: Joe Wilson outed Valerie Plame

I know all you tantric BDS infants are salivating over former White House press secretary Scott McClellan's recent appearance before the congress critters on the House Judiciary Committee, wasting even more time (still or again?), over this non-issue of 'plame-gate', but here's a little reminder: Joe Wilson outed Valerie Plame.

A month before Bob Novak published Valerie Plame’s name and disclosed that she worked at the CIA in a department that monitored weapons of mass destruction, the gossipy Richard Armitage at the State Department already knew all about her. When asked how he knew about Plame, Armitage said he knew because Joe Wilson was "calling everybody" and telling them. And by "everybody" Mr. Armitage certainly meant reporters (although none, save Novak, published this common knowledge).

With that in mind it is an easy step to suppose that it was Mr. Joseph C. Wilson IV himself who first "outed" his wife as a CIA officer.

And, as Mr. Armitage also suggested, Wilson did so because he didn’t want to be dismissed as some "low-level guy." He wanted to buttress his wildly outrageous (and we now know fallacious) claims against a then popular President at the height of a then popular war.

But, but, but.... what about 'Scooter' Libby and his conviction in this matter?
The CIA Leak case took hold of Washington in the summer of 2003 after columnist Robert Novak published an article identifying Plame as a covert CIA operative — undoing the covertness of her job.

The catch was, Plame was the wife to former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who days before the (Novak) column had published his own article in The New York Times, blasting the administration for what he said were unproven allegations being used to support going to war in Iraq.

A grand jury investigation into possible administration retribution led to the indictment and last year's conviction of former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby on obstruction of justice.

Scooter was the scape goat for unfair tactics by the White House against Wilson for being a foul mouth - not because Scooter 'leaked' anything.

So, former White House press secretary Scott McClellan's new book (and appearance on the Hill before the congress critters) merely stirs the settled mud and fattens his wallet. Nothing more.

Sorry, libs. No 'frog marching' this election cycle.

Update: everyone and their dog contorts about it here.

U.S. House overwhelmingly passes FISA revisions

A little AP hyperbole in the headline. I hope they don't charge me for that....

The update to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act passed 293 to 129. 128 of the 'No' votes were democrats.

The centerpiece of the bill is a provision that allows for a federal district court to review the legal justifications for granting immunity to the telecommunications companies who aided the government in the wiretapping program implemented after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

In other words, you can't sue the phone company for cooperating with the gub'mint when it hunts down terrorists!
The most sweeping rewrite of the nation’s intelligence laws in 30 years, the measure also requires an inspector general review of the FISA program and calls for the program to sunset in 2012, which Democrats hailed as important improvements to existing legislation.

Update: And guess which obamanator broke the nutroot's heart by voting for this legislation?

You can ask this side of his mouth, or that side of his mouth.....

Updated update: Ok. I'm stupid. In my heated rush to manage a widely successful (and very fun) company, plus create excellent & entertaining posts on this blog (I heard dat!), I mistakenly claimed the obamanator voted in the H.R. Obviously, that's not the case.

The obamanator's statement says he supports the vote in the House of Representatives, and alludes to the fact that he will vote for the bill when it comes before the Senate.

Mea Culpa.

U.S. House passes war funding bill 268-155

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved enough new money to wage wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for another year, while abandoning attempts to set deadlines opposed by President George W. Bush for withdrawing American combat troops.

By a vote of 268-155, the House approved the funding for the two wars. Most of the $161.8 billion the Pentagon will get, which is slightly less than Bush requested, will be used to fight in Iraq.

The measure, which the Bush administration backed, is expected to be debated by the Senate within several days. It was not yet clear whether the Senate would amend the bill.

CC: the obamanator, will ya?