Videos WhatFinger

Monday, February 28, 2011

Movie Review: The King’s Speech & Articulating the Cause of Freedom

From Libertas Film Magazine:
"There is one scene that communicates this idea especially well. Albert has just been crowned George VI in Westminster Abbey in May of 1937 and is watching the newsreels after the ceremony with his family. As the film switches to a newsreel of Hitler giving a speech in Germany, the projectionist moves to turn it off, but the king insists that it be kept on so he can watch it.

He and the royal family watch in dismay as Hitler harangues a massive crowd in fluent, inflammatory rhetoric that is met with enthusiastic cheers. The newsreel ends, and the young Princess Elizabeth asks the king what Hitler was saying. The king replies: “I don’t know, but he seems to be saying it rather well.”

The implication is clear: Hitler, the evil tyrant who will soon plunge the world into war, is verbally adept and is able to use modern methods of mass communication – microphones to address huge rallies, radio and film reels to broadcast his words to the world – to persuade the German public to follow him down a nihilistic path of death and destruction.

The only people who can challenge him will be the democratically-elected leaders of the world – and such symbolic figures as the royal families of Europe – who, although they hold no real power, must be able to speak persuasively to the public in order to remind them of their own humanistic traditions and inspire the public to defend freedom and life."
Please read the rest of this engaging Libertas review here.

On a personal note, I thought Geoffrey Rush was brilliant as the King's unorthodox speech therapist. I am, however, disappointed the movie was rated "R", but it is such for a good reason: an uncomfortably funny scene laden with profanities during one of the King's therapy sessions. Yet surely such a rich production by eminently talented people could have found a way to convey that frustrated cursing less graphically, and thereby be tagged with a PG-13 rating, in order to reach a much wider audience in need of this outstanding film's greater message of "articulating the cause of freedom."

Perhaps an intransigent Hollywood simply cannot help itself.

Sunday night, the King's Speech won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay (David Seidler), Best Director (Tom Hooper), and Best Actor (Colin Firth).

A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education in Public Schools

You're Teaching My Child What? by Miriam Grossman, M.D.
"The principles of sexual health education are not based on the hard sciences. They don’t rest on what’s seen under the microscope. Sex education is animated by a dream, a specific vision of how society must change, and because of this, sex ed curricula omit critical biological truths and endorse high-risk behaviors.

Three groups pay the highest price: girls, women, and men who have sex with other men. Not long ago, I spent my workdays like most of my colleagues: seeing patients and writing prescriptions, pretty much minding my own business. Then I noticed something. Coming through my office was a steady stream of students, most of them female, who were paying a high price for their sexual choices. I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with these students, and they are the reason I’m here today.
An abstract of her book can be found here.

Dr. Grossman is a board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist who writes and speaks to parents, students, educators, and health professionals internationally on the dangers of political correctness and incorrect science in her profession."

NY Teachers Union Calls for Members to 'Agitate'

"In this era of civility in which the public employees unions want to appear reasonable and striving for the best for our children, the New York State Union of Teachers' publication NYSUT United's headline screams: DEFEND WHAT MATTERS! EDUCATE, COLLABORATE, AGITATE!"
Your tax dollars at work.

An Inter-tube Round-up of Vile, Racist Teabaggers Assaulting Union Protesters

24/7 MSM coverage.  
Homeland security on alert!
President calls for 'new civility!!'

Wrong again. Crickets are chirping.

It's only more Neo-Bolshevik thuggery against any who disagree with them.

FOX News anchor Mike Tobin assaulted twice by the far left activists at the Wisconsin capitol building. And it was all caught on tape.

Neo-Bolsheviks Scream F*** You; Attack Tea Partiers & Shove a Petite Older Woman (Video)

Crazed Bolshevik insists NJ Gov. Christie "a terrorist who would shoot workers."

Women-hating, Neo-Bolsheviks hurl epithets at female Kansas lawmakers inside capital building.

A Neo-Bolshevik arrested after assaulting & injuring Tea Party Activist at MoveOn dot Org rally.

One Tea Partier defends himself against 100 Union Members. (In other words, it was a fair fight)

Another crazed Neo-Bolshevik literally foams at the mouth screaming, “Republicans are full of shit and you are a white supremacist.”

But if it ain't on the evening news, 
then there's really nothing to see here. 
Move along, citizens!

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) Warns of Unions Fate, ‘Rickety Recovery’

He appeared on the NBC News program ‘Meet the Press’ Sunday.
"The popular program spent much of the broadcast talking about the political and fiscal impact on the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s plans to rein in the state budget."
Mike Mahoney at 20 Pounds of Headlines has the summary.

The video and complete transcript is here.

The Int'l Space Station Casts a Shadow Across Space Shuttle Discovery


Outstanding photos of the Discovery's final voyage.

Shell Cancels Arctic Oil Drilling Plans for 2011

"Regulatory hurdles."


*link fixed

One Tea Partier defends himself against 100 Union Members

In other words, it was a fair fight (video).

Midget Demographic?

The $200 Microhouse.

My storage shed is bigger.

How Long Before U.S. Military Confrontation with Mexico Cartels?

"Until our southern border is secured, there is little that law enforcement officers like Sheriff Babeu can do about these attacks. As police departments, they are trained and equipped to deal with domestic crime, not organized and well-funded militant drug cartels with military-style armament."

White House Names First Male Social Secretary

The Middle East is on fire; our economy is crippled with constipation; we're $14,000,000,000,000.00 in debt; 27 states are suing the feds; Mexican drug lords are waging war across our southern border; Iran is about to go nuclear - but BY GOD - "The Obama White House broke decades of tradition Friday, naming the first man to ever serve as social secretary."

14 paragraphs. These AP propagandists just can't help themselves.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Debate Me!

"Conservative Mychal Massie, chairman of the black leadership network Project 21, is calling on liberal African American leaders to back up their charges of racism against the Tea Party."

Homosexual Mob Disrupts Mass at Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral

Police do nothing.

Gee. Why didn't they hit up the local mosque, too?

Southern Poverty Law Center Still Peddling Lie That Giffords Shooter Was Right-Winger

I'm not surprised. One cannot spell 'deceptively misleading' with out the SPLC.

Voodoo Sex Candles Caused Fatal Fire in Brooklyn

Respect the multi-culturalism.
"Fire marshals said the fire started around 6:40 p.m., when a woman visited a man in the building and paid him $300 to perform a voodoo ceremony to bring her good luck. The man was known in the neighborhood as a voodoo priest, the AP reported.
A city official told the AP that the ceremony involved the man and woman having sex in a bed surrounded by candles. Those candles set fire to the linens and clothes on the floor, the FDNY said. But instead of calling 911, the man conducting the ceremony tried in vain to douse the flames with water."
One man died in the fire, 20 fire fighters were injured, and the forty-four alarm fire cost the taxpayers nearly one quarter of a million dollars.

The Parable of the Usurped Vinyard and the Husbandmen

Mark 12: 1-9
"1 And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country.

2 And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard.

3 And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty.

4 And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled.

5 And again he sent another; and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some.

6 Having yet therefore one son, his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son.

7 But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.'

8 And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard.

9 What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others."

The Digital Gates

Atheists Are More Likely to be Angry at God, than Believers in God

Savor the squishy flow of cognitive dissonance:
"It's not just religious folks, either. People unaffiliated with organized religion, atheists and agnostics also report anger toward God either in the past, or anger focused on a hypothetical image - that is, what they imagined God might be like - said lead study author Julie Exline, Case Western Reserve University psychologist.

In studies on college students, atheists and agnostics reported more anger at God during their lifetimes than believers. A separate study also found this pattern among bereaved individuals. This phenomenon is something Exline and colleagues will explore more in future research, which is open to more participants.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Motorists Paying $9.67 per gallon for Gasoline in Britain

"Further increases will depend on how long troubles in the Middle East and north Africa continue. We hope that, once these subside or OPEC intervenes to boost oil supply, a drop in oil prices will filter through as quickly to the pumps."
Or you could develop your own supplies, then build more refineries.  


Sunday Night is Oscar Night

I really don't give a care, but I read this article by John Stossel. In it, he asks "Why Does Government Suppress Information?" Curious as to how over-paid bags of amoral hormones, woefully ignorant of history or civics, and in desperate need of a pay czar, have anything to do with the orchestration of suppressed information by our government, I read it.

Stossel explains how people like to gamble, and some like to bet on the Oscars, and which movies, actors, directors, etc. will take home Academy Awards. This is done at something called the Hollywood Stock Exchange. Who knew?

At least it used to be done at the Hollywood Stock Exchange. Last year, the federal govt., in all it's nanny state wisdom, banned gambling on the Oscars. Stossel elaborates:
"What fun is that? It's not only less fun, it's also makes the prediction market less accurate. People are more careful when they have real money on the line, and the chance of losing money weeds out the frivolous guessers. Prediction markets are valuable for predicting all kinds of things because the prospect of making money attracts people with knowledge, judgment and a good sense of the future. More information is better than less. The people most confident in their information bet the most. That's why speculation is a sound market institution.

The promoters of the Hollywood Stock Exchange would have preferred the use of real money but -- surprise! -- government forbids it. The Frank-Dodd financial regulation law killed the real market at the behest of some in the movie industry."
Can Chris and Barney spell 'federal overreach?' The States are charged with regulation or prohibition of gambling. So why does the federal govt. care about gambling in California? And, in particular, one specific community engaged in gambling?

Personally, I don't gamble. I derive far more pleasure from emptying my wallet and setting its contents on fire. But Mr. Stossel's bigger issue was to illustrate the value of information derived from - not only what gets bet on - but who bets on it. Information is power, and in Hollywood that information can make or break fortunes. Just like Wall Street. Yet this particular information derived from this prediction market has been neutered.

Why? Special interests with money and access.
"Rich Jacobs, president of the Hollywood Stock Exchange, says that some studios wanted it killed because they didn't want public discussion of their plans.
Perhaps buying off politicians for special interest legislation in order to manipulate free markets for personal gain is OK in hollyweird land. Yet, just like the 'you can't legislate morality/prohibition didn't work/kids are gonna do it anyway axioms, people still bet on the Oscars - with real money., located in Ireland, is more than happy to take your money for Oscar.

Antarctic Winter Halts Deep Drilling into Lake Vostok

"The lake has been protected from the atmosphere and the other surrounding 150 subglacial lakes by a 4-kilometer-[2.5-mile] thick ice cap. What lies beneath the mammoth sheet of ice may provide answers to what Earth was like before the Ice Age and how life has evolved."
I predict the water they find in the lake will be twice as salty as sea water.

30 Quick Fixes for Everyday Home Disasters


Men Are Killing the Planet, Women Not So Much

Greg Gutfield has some fun with this enviro-sexist nonsense.

But what about male & female pets?

What Happens When You Stick Your Head Into a Particle Accelerator?

"On July 13, 1978, Bugorski was checking a malfunctioning piece of equipment.  As he was leaning over the piece of equipment he stuck his head through the part of the accelerator that the proton beam was running through..."
And he lived to tell the tale.
 Portable 120 volt emergency power source w/ built in air compressor at Amazon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Night Hoopla

Michael Murphey - Carolina in the Pines

Glowbull Warming Continues its Relentless Assault Against Kansas City

Record snowfall recorded at KCI

"The airport reported 6.2 inches Thursday. That broke the old record of 3.8 inches for that date set in 1934, according to the National Weather Service in Pleasant Hill."
Many school districts cancel classes for today

KCTV5 Weather: Cold Friday, Snow Early Saturday

Finally. Some real science.

Tax Court Denies Deduction for TV News Anchor's Clothing Expenses

"Petitioner's clothing purchases for work consisted of such items as traditional business suits, lounge wear, a robe, sportswear, active wear, lingerie, cotton bikini and cotton thong underwear, and evening wear. She also deducted expenses for an Ohio State jersey, jewelry, bedding, running and walking shoes, and dry cleaning costs."
This wouldn't even be an issue with a 10% flat tax filed on a form the size of a post card.

More Thuggery in Wisconsin

Some Neo-Bolsheviks attempted to take over the offices of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

Executive Branch DOMA Power Grab

From W.J. at L.I.:

"The President for whom the words "rule of law" flow so easily from the teleprompter doesn't seem to know what the words actually mean."
Perhaps it's his community organizer dream: a government of protected classes; for the benefit of special interests; at the expense of due process.

Twenty-two States Considering Arizona-Style Immigration Legislation

Doing the job the Open Border Collusionists refuse to do.

Ain’t No Party Like A Union Party

"As nearly 5,000 city teachers face the ax, their union shells out millions of dollars on feasting, boozing and partying..."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Entitlement Thugs, Collectivist Goons, or Brown Shirts?

Take your pick. Isn't it time we start using a more accurate description for union members and those who champion their cause?

There seems to be plenty of evidence to justify this new definition of unions; from illegal strikes, to calls for more strikes, to vandalizing the state capital, to 'we know where you live' intimidation, to 'hitler-izing' a governor, to democrat legislators shutting down a state government, to threats against republican legislators, to an elected democrat's cry for blood in the streets...

But, surely, these are isolated examples of just a few progressive nuts among an astro-turf cast of thousands. Correct?

Will we, as Conservatives, wallow with the likes of democrat race pimps, Leftist liars, network propagandists, and alinsky-ites to demonize an entire movement based on the 'uncivil' behavior of a rabid few??

Yet, the hits just keep on coming. Literally.

CWA union thug assaults young female FreedomWorks activist (video). “They threatened and yelled, then hit me with a sign and threw my phone. But none of us were hurt.”

Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, a unionist attacks a man who supports WI Gov. Walker. It was all caught on tape.

But, wait. There's more.

From Rhode Island: An enraged unionist screams “I’ll f**k you in the ass, you faggot!” while accosting a cameraman filming at a pro-union rally. Apparently, this enraged unionist was also a vocal homosexual.

Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, but once again, some Progressive did not get that 'new civility' memo.

Perhaps it is time we start using a more accurate description for union members and those who champion their cause, but it's probably not wise to smear an entire angry, dirty, and violent movement with labels like 'entitlement thugs, collectivist goons, or brown shirts.'

I was thinking "Bolsheviks."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

At Long Last : The Peanut Butter Sandwich Art Museum

 Please don't eat the exhibits.
 Huge selection of game downloads. Try every game for FREE.

And They're not Even Union

They're probably easier to fire, too.

KCMO Mayor Funkhouser Loses Re-Election Bid

KC voters pick James and Burke over incumbent Funkhouser.

Plus, Mike Mahoney has the score card on The Real Winners, The Real Losers.

But, the biggest loser remains KCMO, as only 50,000 out of 300,000 voters came to the polls. Pathetic.

Wisconsin Senators Must Now Collect Their Paychecks in Person

Carrot. Stick. Donkey.
"The committee vote on that was 3-2, three Republicans in the majority and two Democrats in the minority. But wait — how can Democrats vote when they’re not there? Well, apparently, telephone votes are permissible and common practice for committee sessions, just not for floor sessions."
That's right. These democrat leaches will say 'screw you' when its the tax payers money at stake, but jump through cell tower hoops to try and keep their direct deposit  pay day.

More Progressive Hate-mongering

"Emboldened twitterers, unfazed by President Obama's call for healing and civility after last month's shooting in Tucson, called for Wisconsin's Governor to be killed. A person named ‘Josh' asked for a "crazy man with sniper experience" [sic] to "do wut you do."

A protester outside the Capitol building in Madison carried a sign that read "Walker Dead or Alive" with ‘alive' crossed out."
I'm no longer surprised by their hate-mongering and calls to violence, nor the MSM's refusal to report it.

Update: And let's not forget Progressive protesters calling for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to be lynched - or failing that - "put back in the field."

Or, Progressive Hate Site "AlterNet" Calling GOP Pres. Candidate Herman Cain a "monkey."

Plus, another video of liberal vitriol from Madison last week - with the obligatory "If Tea Partiers had behaved this way, the entire Progressive collective brain would have exploded in indignation."

Cue chirping crickets.

Updated update: Democrat Congressman Calling for Blood in the Streets
"US Representative Michael E. Capuano (D - MA), who decried violent political rhetoric after last month’s shooting of his Democratic colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, used some belligerent language of his own at a union rally in Boston yesterday.

"Every once in a while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” Capuano told about 1,000 union workers who were protesting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at a raucous rally outside the State House."
The Left's hate and hypocrisy just goes on, and on, and on....

post cross posted

In the Arab world, it's 1848 - not 1989

"The street revolutions that ended communism followed similar patterns because they followed in the wake of a single political event: the abrupt withdrawal of Soviet support for the local dictator.

The Arab revolutions, by contrast, are the product of multiple changes - economic, technological, demographic - and have taken on a distinctly different flavor and meaning in each country. In that sense, they resemble 1848 far more than 1989."
A good thumbnail history lesson by Anne Applebaum of the WaPo.  Although, her minimizing the role of radical Islam in this mix is troubling.

It's Not One World...

Four enraged muslim men attack a London teacher for teaching "other religions" to muslim girls enrolled in the school where he taught. Apparently, comparative religion courses are haram in Islam, and justify such barbaric attacks.

From The Daily Mail UK:
"Akmol Hussein, 26, Sheikh Rashid, 27, Azad Hussain, 25, and Simon Alam, 19, attacked Gary Smith with a Stanley knife, an iron rod and a block of cement. Mr Smith, who is head of religious education at Central Foundation Girls' School in Bow, east London, also suffered a fractured skull.

The four now face a jail sentence.

Detectives made secret recordings of the gang's plot to attack Mr Smith prior to the brutal assault. The covert audio probe captured the gang condemning Mr Smith for 'teaching other religions to our sisters', the court heard. The RE teacher was targeted as he made his way on foot along Burdett Road in nearby Mile End on July 12 last year, Snaresbrook Crown Court was told.

Prosecutor Sarah Whitehouse told the court: 'The evidence from what was said on the probe points overwhelmingly to a religious motive for this attack. It is believed the gang had made two earlier attempts to get at the teacher.
The four barbarians pleaded guilty "to causing grievous bodily harm with intent," and await sentencing.

OK, three points:

1) England obviously needs much stronger 'block of cement' control laws.
2) This attack took place last July 12, and it's just now before a judge?
C) Since the Prosecutor stated an "overwhelming" religious motivation for this attack, why did this article fail to mention the direct religious affiliation of these barbarians?

I guess we already know that answer, courtesy of Pat Condell:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

OH NOES: Wisconsin's "hitler" Cuts Off Union Protesters From the Inter-tubes!

"Yes, the right to free Wi-Fi is being denied to protesters inside the Capitol building, just like the internet was cut off in the entire country of Egypt. How much longer before Gov. Walker sends nomads on camels to rampage through the rotunda?"

2011 Best Picture Nomination: "True Grit"

The Duke VS The Dood.

Big Hollywood's John Nolte opines upon this 2010 Cohen Bros.' remake.

We Interupt this Blog with International News

It's gonna get ugly, people.

Wisconsin Senate to Convene Without Democrats

"The 14 Senate Democrats who skipped town Thursday to indefinitely delay a vote on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's bill stripping most collective bargaining rights from nearly all public employees remained missing in action for a fifth day.

Walker refused to back down and again called on the Democrats to return and vote on the bill.

"For those 14 Senate Democrats, you've had your time," he said. "It's time for them to come back and participate in democracy."

Perhaps Gov. Walker should do what Texas Gov. Perry did back in 2003 when the Dems ran out of town to prevent a vote: revoke their congressional credit cards. Those Texas Dems panicked and slinked back once they found out they couldn't screw the tax payers into paying for their silly game of hide-n-seek.

Democrats Call Government Shutdown a Sign of Failure, Except in Wisconsin

Union Protester Arrested For Trying to Sabotage Tea Party Sound System 

Voters back Scott Walker over unions, 48%-38%.

30 ft. statue of Martin Luther King, Jr to be unveiled on D.C.'s National Mall

It's about frikken time!

From the Daily Mail UK:
"The memorial will be positioned in a direct line between those dedicated to legendary former leaders Jefferson and Lincoln in the open-air national park, where King delivered his famous 'I Have a Dream' speech in 1963.

Dedication of the memorial will take place on August 28 this year, the 48th anniversary of the historic speech.

Jefferson and Lincoln - both of who appear in the famous Mount Rushmore sculpture - are widely regarded of two of the greatest ever leaders of the U.S."
I haven't heard about this. Have you heard about this?
"Twenty-five years in the making, King's memorial will be the first memorial on the National Mall to honour a non-U.S. President.

It will contain excerpts of his sermons and public addresses to serve as living testaments of his vision of America."

The Daily Mail's eulogy of Dr. King is fitting and proper, but I take exception to their declaration that MLK Jr. was a "leader in the history of modern American liberalism." His leadership is unquestioned, but it wasn't in liberalism. It was in conservatism, and a conservative understanding of the Constitutional principles writ large at the founding.

Dr. King had a dream that "that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,'" and that people "will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

These words stand in stark contrast to liberalism's insistence of preference based on race; politics based on race; education based on race; and selective outrage based on race.

I have no doubt Dr. King would've cheered Morgan Freeman's proclamation to abolish 'black history month.'

Monday, February 21, 2011

Deconstructing Obama

 by Jack Cashill, on sale now at Amazon.

Uber Leftist Geo. Soros Says FOX News Like Nazis

 "Nah. If that were true, he'd be collaborating with them."

Columbia University now Offers "Douchebag" as a Major

University students jeer an Iraq war hero during a town-hall meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus.

The fact this soldier suffered to defend their right to jeer him is most assuredly lost on these fetid ingrates.

The Case Against Public Sector Unionism

"In effect, public sector unionism thus means that representatives of the union will often be on both sides of the collective bargaining table. On the one side, the de jure union leaders. On the other side, the bought and paid for politicians. No wonder public sector union wages and benefits are breaking the back of state budgets."

Unions starting to cave in Wisconsin.

"What this means, of course, is that the unions are sliding towards the edge of the cliff on this one,
and they know it."


Thousands Bussed into Wisconsin by Obama's Group Organizing for America

 Astroturf as far as the eye can see.
"But Phil Neuenfeldt, president of the state AFL-CIO, said another large protest was expected Monday, when many state workers are being furloughed to save money.

Walker has been targeted by protesters for nearly a week for negotiating a bill now in the state Senate that would require workers to increase their contributions to pensions and health care coverage, would limit collective bargaining rules and tie raises to inflation. Senate Democrats fled Wisconsin to avoid voting on the legislation.

The Republican governor said that while the state enjoys a lower-than-average unemployment rate -- about 7.5 percent compared to 9 percent nationally -- about 5,000-6,000 state workers and 5,000-6,000 local government workers will find their jobs on the chopping block as the state looks to close a $3.6 billion biennial budget gap."

Fake Doctors’ Notes Being Handed Out at Wisconsin Union Protest

Of course those are real doctors. Scamming at the scammer's ball.

Meanwhile, the Milwaukee teacher's union sues the school board for taxpayer-funded Viagra.  

Un-freekin believable.

Wisconsin debate in 116 words

More support Governor Walker than are opposed to him.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Springtime Honey-do Nearly Here

 Great deals on Tools & Home Improvement STUFF.

Throw Down: Westboro Nutjobs VS Denial of Service Hackers

 "A group of hacktivists acting under the banner, "Anonymous," has warned a church with a controversial history that unspoken retribution will follow it continues its practice of inflammatory protests.

In an open letter to the Westboro Baptist Church, Anonymous has put the anti-gay, fundamentalist church on notice that "the damage incurred will be irreversible," and that "neither your institution nor your congregation will ever be able to fully recover."
The Westboro nutjobs respond with "bring it!"

Satan says, "Great game!"

Germany doesn’t have “too much Islam” but “too little Christianity”

 And last month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that multiculturalism there had utterly failed.

The Tax Payers Have a Message for Public Unions

I'm Broke. I'm BUSTED by the late, great Ray Charles

Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt.

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

Matthew 20 - 1:16

1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

3 And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, 4 and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went.

5 Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ 7 They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’

8 “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ 9 And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.

11 And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, 12 saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’

13 But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14 Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’

16 So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.”

King James Version of Christian Bible is 400 Years Old

"...Commissioned by King James of England in 1604 and completed seven years later, this English-language translation that bears his name is celebrating the 400th anniversary of its publication this year. Also known as the Authorized Version in the Anglican Church and some Protestant circles, this translation remains a favourite because of its poetic language and familiar renditions of passages such as Psalm 23 and the Lord's Prayer."
Now in the public domain, the King James Version is available cheaply in a print version or free online at sites such as

The Christian Bible is the most widely read book in the entire world.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

BAD: Orderly, Clean Tea Party Rallies. GOOD: Angry, Dirty Union Protests

From W.J. at L.I.:
"And what process is it that the (NY Times) Editors find so distasteful that they feel mob rule is needed? Why, it's the democratic process in the Wisconsin state legislature."
So, you ask, just how angry are these union protests?

Why, they're so angry they plum forgot all about the democrats 'new civility' memo. Top 15 Photos From the Wisconsin Hate Rallies You'll Never See in Legacy Media.

OK, but, just how dirty are these union protests? Althouse has many pictures of their disrespect for what tax payers fund.

I wonder if public union workers will be dispatched to clean up?

Friday, February 18, 2011

2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Online

As in "this is a cheap web traffic post."

Friday Night Hoopla

In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg.

This Just In...

Gov. Scott Walker (R): Wisconsin Won't be Bullied!

If the Governor's proposed budget cuts are implemented, Wisconsin’s public employees will still have benefit plans more generous than most workers across the country, especially when compared to those middle class workers in the private sector - the ones paying the taxes which employ these protesting unionists!

Obviously, no one taught these spoiled children that there is no money tree.

FOX News' Greta Van Susteren interviewed the Governor last night.

"...the vast majority of state and local government employees -- most of those employees, 300,000, showed up for work today, unlike those around the capital and unlike those 14 state senators, Democrats, who decided to hide out, apparently, down in Rockford, Illinois.

...They're hiding out in hopes that somehow, that will test the resolve. If anything, I think it's made the Republicans in the assembly and the senate stronger. They're not going to be bullied. They're not going to be intimidated."
The real problem with the Progressive agenda is a fanatical embrace - and subsequent disregard of their own core philosophy: pure and unfettered democracy now. What the more sane among us consider 'mob rule.'

But the Progressive don't really want 'democracy now.' If they did, they would respect the will of Wisconsin's voters who voted in the current crop of fiscally responsible adults to clean up the mess left by the previous profligate progressives.

What the protesting progressives in Wisconsin's capital really want is a totalitarian implementation of their socialist agenda for wealth redistribution, regardless of cost. In short, gimme mine as long as some else is burdened with the obligation.

The blithering hypocrisy of these progressives is nauseating.

Related: more Wisconsin districts shut down as teachers prove they care more about money than educating children.

Mountain lion spotted in Linn County, Missouri

 "This is the 15th sighting in the last 16 years, with five of those sightings since November.
According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, mountain lions pose very little threat to people.
 "We have no documented cases in Missouri of mountain lions attacking livestock, people or pets," said Beringer. "There is a much greater risk of harm from automobiles, stray dogs and lightning strikes than from mountain lions."
This location of the sighting is about 25 miles from where a mountain was shot and killed in Macon County on Jan. 22."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

World Classless @sshole: Richard Dreyfuss

During his appearance last week at CPAC, where he continued to blow stuff out his butt about 'civility in public discourse,' Richard Dreyfuss fortified his standing as an insufferable phallic symbol when he "berated Citizens United president David Bossie at last week's Conservative Political Action Conference.

He compared Bossie to genocidal Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, and wondered whether Bossie was "stacking skulls" in his office (a reference to the remains of hundreds of thousands of Cambodians found in mass graves after Pol Pot's rule)."

What we have here is a failure to communicate about that 'new civility' memo.

Another Darwin Award Applicant

Man dies after attempting to steal copper from high voltage wires.

Denver Bar Hosts Lingerie Party for Teenage Girls

For some reason, parents are upset.

So, what's more disturbing: a 'hooka' bar staging such a perv magnet, or the teen girls who eagerly participate in this slut parade?

In: Zoning Laws. Out: Backyard Pirate Ships

"City engineers determined the five-metre tall ship is unstable and not built to code."

Pirate ship code?

Vietnam: They're All Capitalists Now

 So why'd we have to die in that damn war?
Deconstructing Obama by Jack Cashill, on sale now at Amazon.

Obama cuts off VOA funding for China; gives it to NPR

 Skid grease for 2012.

Dallas Politician: 'All of you are white. Go to hell!'

 So said  the Dallas County Commissioner for District 3, John Wiley Price (D), to 5 other individuals at a public meeting on Tuesday.

(obviously, another democrat who never got that 'new civility' memo)

You remember Mr. Price. In 2008, he was the race baiting fool who took offense to the term 'black hole' when a colleague applied the word to persistent lost paperwork at the courthouse.

Needless to say, John Wiley Price is a colorful character. He has been charged with the following over the last 25 years; Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, Assault, Criminal Mischief, Criminal Trespassing, Terroristic Threat, Aggravated Assault-Serious Bodily Injury, and Sexual Assault (which was dismissed by the Judge).

So what's that say about the voters who keep him in office?

CBS Skews Its Healthcare Funding Poll

 Media bias? What media bias?

"I love jihad. I love to stand there and fight for the sake of Allah."

Misunderstander of Islam pleads guilty to jihad terror charges in North Carolina.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Madison WI Schools Closed as Teachers Stage "Sick Out" to Protest Budget Cuts

Raise your hand if you can walk off your job to protest govt. policy or legislation and not get fired. I can't do that. Can you do that?

From the Madison Wisconsin Journal:
"Madison schools will be closed Wednesday as teachers planned a district-wide absence to attend protests against Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to limit union bargaining.

District Superintendent Dan Nerad made the announcement at 11 p.m. Tuesday after 40 percent of the 2,600 members of the teachers union had called in sick and more were expected to do so through Wednesday morning.

"At this ratio we have serious concerns about our ability to maintain safe and secure school environments," Nerad said in the announcement."
It's unclear whether school will be held Thursday or Friday. Because, obviously, the teachers care more about money than educating children. Or am I being too cynical?

Last Friday, Gov. Walker(R) issued a budget repair proposal stating "Emergency measure is needed to balance the state budget and give government the tools to manage during economic crisis." It's designed to help plug a $3.6 billion shortfall in Wisconsin's budget, including debt restructuring, Medicaid appropriations, selling state assets, and renegotiating employee compensation, etc.  The Governor's proposal has been sent to Wisconsin's Republican controlled legislature for debate in the coming week. Walker said the changes are necessary to avoid up to 6,000 state employee layoffs and the removal of more than 200,000 children from the Medicaid program.

The cutbacks will effect many state & local union workers, including teachers. The key items which have the protesters' panties in a twist are:
1) collective bargaining will only include salary considerations, and exclude pension and health benefits.
2) 'right to work' provision so workers can opt out of paying union dues.
3) increase from zero to 5.8 percent of salary into employee pension fund.
4) increase from 6% to at least 12.6 percent of salary into employee health insurance costs.
I know. It's almost inhuman to make people contribute to their own pension and health benefits, but those last two items alone would generate $30 million in savings by July 1, and roughly $300 million over the next two years when combined with the other concessions.

Or perhaps these unionists don't care about lil kiddies being kick off Medicaid? Surely not.

Yet, last night, hundreds of unionists took to the streets in front of the governor's private residence to voice their anger, before walking off the job Wednesday morning, closing Madison schools, abandoning students, and leaving working families scrambling for last minute day care.

Unlike most of us who can't demand our neighbors pony up more money simply because we want it, these unionists obviously never learned that there is no money tree.

Healthcare Reform Law Requires New IRS Army Of 1,054

 Since there's no appropriations for more doctors in this "healthcare reform law," can we label what it truly is?

The federal power grab act of 2010.

Finally: Over-the-Counter DNA Paternity Test Kits Available in all 50 States

For when you've been too much of slut to keep track of all those man-whores, and child support determination is next week.
"Identigene first started selling its paternity test kit in major pharmacy chains three years ago. The kit has been available in 49 states for over two years and is in over 16,000 stores."
On Tuesday, New York became the fiftieth state to approve OTC sales. Such a proud moment in a nation's evolution.

So, tell me, again, why Planned Parenthood receives $360 million / yr in tax dollars?

Phyllis Schlafly Says Conservative Women Are Not "Feminists."

"In May of last year, Sarah Palin told an audience of more than 500 pro-life women at a Susan B. Anthony breakfast that they represented an “emerging, conservative, feminist identity” with a growing ability to influence policy.

But according to the mother of the conservative women’s movement, Phyllis Schlafly, Palin and her kind are not and never could be feminists."

"A litmus test for feminists is to agree with abortion and Obamacare and so I think there is really no such thing as a conservative feminist. They are the women of the left."
And that's the truth.

How Soon They Forget Their Own Vitriol

 "This was the era in which Guantanamo was a gulag, renditions were the stuff of Hollywood movies, and Bush and Cheney were deemed veritable war criminals. Was it all a dream, those nightmare years of 2004-7?"

More WTF

3 Reasons Obama's proposed budget won't win the future.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Michael Bublé, The Black Eyed Peas, Avril Lavigne, Nat King Cole, Thin Lizzy, Katy Perry, Tony Bennet, The Flaming Lips, Norah Jones, and many more... Fifty MP3 Albums, $5 each.

Progressive Hate Site "AlterNet" Calls GOP Pres. Candidate Herman Cain a "monkey"

And refers to other Black conservatives as "black garbage pail kids." Huh?

(insert obligatory inverse "what if a conservative publication had slurred any Black man like that?" here).

But these are no phantom slurs in search of a $100,000 reward to prove. They were maliciously published at AlterNet's website by an author employed by AlterNet.

From Power Line: One might have thought that the days of calling African-Americans "monkeys" were over. Not, however, among liberals.

Niger Innis, National Spokesman Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) demands an apology:
"It is particularly ironic after calls for civility in political discourse, by many in the media, that they would, through their inaction, encourage such socially reckless and racially insensitive material on a prominent leftwing publication.

At the heart of the fight for civil rights is the dignity of the rights of the individual. It is universally understood by all that to say “all blacks look alike” is racist. How sad it is that the mentality at AlterNet that led to this offensive commentary — “ALL BLACKS BETTER THINK ALIKE”– is not recognized to be as racist among Left-Wing racist cabals.

If AlterNet proclaims to champion civil rights, it will act immediately to rectify this situation and issue a public apology to those offended by their article."

Ed Morrissey also writes of this strange, racist attack on Herman Cain, and concludes,
"AlterNet owes Cain an apology, and perhaps those publications who give “Chauncey deVega” a platform should reconsider their relationships with the writer."

So, who is Herman Cain, and just what did he say at CPAC last week? Give an ear, citizens.

To learn more about GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain, click here.

Mr. Cain can also occasionally be heard sub hosting for Neal Boortz on AM750 WSB Atlanta.

A List of Barely Socratic Questions to American Progressives

He's merely a pale shadow of The Lord cross-examining Job, but Red Square from The People's Cube pummels Progressive's with a series of 56 questions.

So far, unanswered. A sampling:
"If all beliefs are equally valid, how come my belief in the absurdity of this maxim gets rejected by its proponents?

If being a winner in nature's struggle for survival is selfish, does being extinct make you an altruist?

How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized volcanic eruption?

Can you name one person who paid the IRS more than he owed because he trusted the government to put his money to good use?

If there are no absolutes and family is an antiquated tool of bourgeois oppression, why is having gay marriage an absolute must?

How come a liberal who disagrees with a conservative is open-minded, but a conservative who disagrees with a liberal is a bigot?"

LL Cool J Hires An Etiquette Coach For His Kids

"I want my kids to know how to walk in a room and to have some manners and to know how to be polite. You have to learn that somewhere. You don’t just assume that it just happens.

If I go have dinner with, I don’t know, whoever… have some manners.
Etiquette lessons.  Does this mean your little girls won't be listening to angry, foul-mouth rap garbage like that which made you rich??

From "The Ripper Strikes Back" single:
"...Make my dick hard with that bitch ass track
Where you at? Smokin in some one room flat
Suckin on Clef's dick hopin to come back
Never that, nigga my size is unlimited..."
From 2000's "GOAT" album:
"...Bandwagon niggas ride my dick ev'ryday
And broke ass critics always got somethin' to say
'Bout how a nigga should flip his shit a different way
The fuck you know "bout hip-hop, I'm LL Cool J, nigga..."
 From 2008's "Exit 13" album:
"...When you see L, THIS JOINT'S IN FUCKIN EFFECT!!!!
I've been DYIN to say that!
I've been DYIN to say that, eighty-six nigga!
You know what it is man, first album
Ten million, no fuckin video, yo LL was THERE!"
I hope you also hired a good English tutor, LL.

Crisis Mode Persists for Detroit Schools

 "Detroit had seen its test scores plummet, along with its population, trends that continue. The district today enrolls 84,875 students, down more than half from a decade ago. A national reading test last May showed that Detroit was the worst-performing larger, inner-city district in the country.

Mr. Bobb claimed a mandate to overhaul both finances and academics. He launched campaigns to stabilize enrollment—which determines state funding—in hopes of slowing the exodus to suburbs and charter schools. He also conducted hundreds of audits, laid off teachers, privatized services such as busing and custodial work and closed 59 schools. 

In his interview with the Journal, he said that without his budget cuts, the district's annual deficit—now at $327 million, up from $218 million in 2009—would have grown to more than $500 million. The schools have a $1.025 billion annual budget."
Mr. Bobb has encountered strong opposition from the board of education and the teacher's union.

Reason Number 244 Kalifornia Needs to Slide Off into the Pacific

 Number of $100,000 retirees skyrocket in California's teacher pension system.

That's a 76% increase in 2 years.

Also, more than 9,000 state and local employees covered by the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) are $100,000 retirees.

It's estimated that California has $150 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, and over $50 billion in unfunded retiree health care liabilities.

California had a operating budget deficit of $19 billion for 2010.

I guess none of these pensioners heard that California is broke. 19 Reasons Why It May Be Time For Everyone To Leave The State Of California For Good.

If not everyone, how about just Liberals?

Victor Hanson tells of Two Californias: Abandoned farms, Third World living conditions, pervasive public assistance in the once the once-thriving Central Valley.

3 Things You Probably Don't Know About Islam

 (But Should Know).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Airports to Employ Bomb Sniffing Mice to Screen Passengers

 "FORGET sniffer dogs, crack teams of mice are being trained to detect bombers and drugs couriers at airports. The sniffer rodents are then hidden in airport scanners, ready to raise the alarm.

The detector has been built by Israeli researchers who say it is more accurate than using dogs, pat downs and x-ray machines."
I wonder how long before PETA files a lawsuit?

77% of Likely Voters Believe Social Security is in Deep Doo-doo

 Only 15 percent believe the program is financially sound.

P.A. puts a fine point on the matter:
"Let's face it - when ~30% of the population believes in UFO's and space aliens, and you can only scrape up 15% that think social security is all ducky, you got a major perception problem, right?"
Unless, of course, you're a pinhead Senator from Nevada whose name starts with "R" and ends with "eid:"
“This is something that’s perpetuated by people who don’t like government. Social Security is fine,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said recently on NBC’s Meet the Press.
There you have it; Democracy now. According to Harry, 77% of the people don't like gub'mint.

Another Obligatory "Islam Cracks Down on Valentine's Day" Post

From  the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz:
"He said Islam was not opposing the celebration of love, but vice activities that usually took place during the celebration.

"That is why a fatwa (edict) was issued to prevent and advise Muslims not to celebrate Valentine's Day because in reality, as well as historically, the celebration of Valentine's Day is synonymous with vice activities," he said.

The fatwa, issued by the National Fatwa Council during its 71st conference almost six years ago, stated: "The spirit of Valentine's Day celebrations is associated with elements of Christianity and vice activities that are prohibited in Islam."
 Probably got that notion from looking at some antique Victorian pr0n.

TY S for the graphic.

Update: The Anchoress brings us all back to sanity with a very complete Valentine’s Day Linkfest of Love!

Why is There No Robust Job Growth?

 "The easy explanation is that companies simply don't want to hire."

Dutch Pedophile Political Party Dissolved

I'm guessing they weren't a bunch a right-wingers.

More Climate of Hate Word Games from Nancy Pelosi (D- Looney)

"Pelosi -- who promised a huge fight against House Republicans over the issue in the days ahead -- didn't hold back one bit, claiming the new legislative push by Republicans "disrespects the judgment of American women."

"I don't know if they ever give that a thought," she added.

Pelosi described the GOP push as the "most radical assault" on women's reproductive rights "in our lifetimes." And she was equally blunt in her assessment of right-wing assaults on family planning."

From Surber:
"Ending tax-funded contraception is nothing personal, but the government no longer has the money to buy them rubbers. If you are old enough to have an “engagement,” then you are old enough to buy protection."
MM details Planned Parenthood's "willingness to aid and abet sexual predators, skirt disclosure laws, and perpetuate a criminal enterprise at the expense of pregnant mothers and their unborn children’s health, safety, and lives."

Tell me, again, why this outfit receives $360 million / yr in tax dollars?

Rep. Lee (D) Says GOP made Congress a "Clogged Toilet"

Poor, deluded child. She's ignorant of history, civics, and economics. Probably didn't get the new civility memo, either.

Unfortunately, puddin' heads, like Rep. Lee(D), are elected by like minded (and equally ignorant) puddin' heads.

God save the Republic.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Up to 30% off Office and school supplies.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States

 “It’s Time Washington Acted as Responsibly as Our Families Do:”
"Families across this country understand what it takes to manage a budget.  They understand what it takes to make ends meet without forgoing important investments like education.  Well, it’s time Washington acted as responsibly as our families do.  And on Monday, I’m proposing a new budget that will help us live within our means while investing in our future. "
The truly sad part is he said all that with a straight face.

“Live within our means?”

Heck, if I could squeeze foreigners for trillions of dollars, “QE2″ my debt, then force my neighbors to pay for it, I could live within my profligate means, too.

Plus, notice the President's continued manipulation of language and perverse definitions. When any bureaucrat says "investing in our future," he really means "spending your tax dollars."

The national debt has increased $5 Trillion since top democrats promised “no new deficit spending.”

Glad to see that economics degree from a cracker jack box is paying off, Barry.

Same as it Ever Was

God's Strength Can Always Help Us Rebuild

Marcus Goodloe speaks to us about Jeremiah when he encountered the broken walls and burned gates of Jerusalem. Whether it's a city or our own lives, when we are without structure and community, we are dysfunctional and vulnerable.

I think the same lesson applies to a nation.

(Clip Length: 01:50)

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Border / Waldenbooks to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy

From the WSJ:
"The troubled Ann Arbor, Mich., bookseller could file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-protection as soon as Monday or Tuesday, paving the way for hundreds of store closings and thousands of job losses, said people familiar with the matter..."

"Borders's finances crumbled amid declining interest in bricks-and-mortar booksellers, a broad cultural trend for which it offered no answers. The bookseller suffered a series of management gaffes, piled up unsustainable debts and failed to cultivate a meaningful presence on the Internet or in increasingly popular digital e-readers."
I wonder if President Obama will issue some "too big to fail" proclamation, and screw the secured creditors, ala General Motors and Chrysler? Oh, wait. There's no deep pocket union cronies to buy off in the book business. Never mind.
"A bankruptcy filing would help Amazon, Barnes & Noble and newer booksellers such as Apple Inc. and Google Inc. grab more customers. Amazon peeled off customers when Borders folded in the U.K. about a year ago. "We expect something similar will happen in the U.S.," said the head of one major publisher..."

"Among the biggest losers in the bankruptcy are shareholders, including financiers Bennett LeBow and William Ackman, whose investments in Borders likely will be wiped out. Messrs. LeBow and Ackman held more than 30% of Borders's stock as of late last year, according to Standard & Poor's Capital IQ. Mr. LeBow, who became CEO of Borders Group last year, invested $25 million last May as Borders tried to rework its finances. Mr. Ackman's Pershing Square Capital Management LP is expected to lose at least $125 million on its investment."
The free market calls this "creative destruction." Survival of the fittest. Those able to adapt to changing markets, thrive. Those that don't, take their lumps. Economic Darwinism, if you will. Liberals love Darwinism when defending the relative chaos and abstraction of existence, yet when jobs or finances get threatened, Liberals often want potent and purposeful management to design solutions - usually in the form of redistributed tax dollars. Funny how that works.

Related: Newsweek, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Blockbuster, et al. 20 Companies That Went Bankrupt in 2010 (many of which are still open for business).

Andrew KlavanStop the Hate!

In a world where conservatives are branded fascist for wanting more liberty and racist for wanting people to be treated equally, something must be done to stop them ... right?

Tru Luv: Name a cockroach for your Valentine

 A Bronx Zoo Madagascar hissing cockroach.

Yes. Really.

Gay Wars

"I'm not hitting on you, by the way."
"The big story leading up to the conference was a high-profile boycott by outfits such as The Heritage Foundation and figures such as Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) due to the participation of GOProud, a gay conservative group that lobbies for lower taxes and equality under the law.

As a spokesman for Heritage put it, "We want to promote economic freedom, a strong national defense and social conservativism. We think these policies are indivisible...It's not a boutique. You can't pick one and not the other."
What Saw at CPAC (video).

What Part of Islamic Caliphate is "Secular?"

The Muslim Brotherhood's history is well-documented.

From The Daily Caller: "The guy in charge of U.S. intelligence is an idiot."

From BMW: "Muslim Brotherhood Gaffe Not Clapper’s First."

Good thing James Clapper didn't work for GW Bush, or the MSM might actually write something critical of him.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Night Hoopla (back by popular demand!)

Girl band mania (sort of).

The Puppini Sisters take The Bangles hit "Walk Like An Egyptian" and give a 1940's retro twist.


TCB: Elvis is at the CPAC

A little less conversation and a little more action.


"Dick Cheney Heckled in Surprise Appearance at CPAC"

 Yahoo gave prominence to some adolescent agitators on its front page this morning.

 Click the link, and inside is a 3 paragraph AP story whose headline reads: "Cheney makes surprise appearance at CPAC."

Mr. Cheney was there to present an award to former Defense Sect'y Donald Rumsfeld.

The last sentence of that AP story mentions some anonymous protesters.

Glad to see Yahoo focus on the important issues.

Also at CPAC was uber-liberal, Hollyweird everyman Richard Dreyfuss. Mr. Dreyfuss bemoans the lack of civility in public discourse, and is on a one-man crusade to rectify the situation. To his credit, despite his managing to remain an insufferable phallic symbol, Mr. Dreyfuss apologized for having agreed with MSNBC's on-air hater Ed Schultz's "beautifully phrased" death wish  for Dick Cheney.

No word if Mr. Dreyfuss apologized for his 2009 demand that Cheney should be in jail or his 2010 chuckle with CNN's on-air hater Joy Behar when they compared Cheney to Hitler and Satan.

Or maybe Dreyfuss did apologize, and I couldn't parse the civility through all his hypocrisy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nancy Pelosi (D - Looney) Wants to Ban the Word "Hate"

Don't you just hate it when that happens?
 "To hear Pelosi tell it, she really hates it when other Americans use the word “hate” in a political context. Pelosi’s overreaction is in response to the Bill O’Reilly Superbowl interview with Barack Obama, in which the host asked the president about the number of people who hate him.
Pelosi’s reply to the O’Reilly question was swift and confident: Simply stop using the word, and everything will be fine."
Manipulating language and perverting definitions.

Orwell's "1984" was meant to be a warning against this evil, not a guide book for how-to, Nancy.

Update: BTW, Nancy.

I hate the way you screwed the tax payers when using the U.S.A.F. as your personal on-call airline for your family & friends.

I hate the way you abused your position of power to call for investigations against American citizens who lawfully assembled to protest.

I hate the way you stuck your thumb in the people's eye, then taunted, “Kick open that door, and there will be other legislation to follow.”

I hate your lies about your Catholic convictions, then proudly proclaimed, "Obamacare will include abortion funding."

I'm sure she hates me for saying all this.

Let's All Be Thankful This Dipstick Wasn't Pants-less

 From ABC News:
"Rep. Christopher Lee, R-N.Y., abruptly resigned from the House of Representatives Wednesday afternoon after a report emerged that he had sent flirtatious e-mails, including one with a bare-chested photo of himself, to a woman he met on Craigslist."
The woman, who wasn't his wife, seized her 15 minutes of fame, and sent the photo to an internet gossip site known for lurid stories about politicians and their hook-ups.

Soon after, Congressman Dumb@ss resigned.

Let's review: The illusion of online anonymity strikes again to fell a politician you’ve never heard of, in sex scandal with no sex, making Congressman Dumb@ss the newest GOP Cone of Shame Award winner.

Gee. If only Congressman Dumb@ss had a homosexual lover running a prostitution ring out of his condominium, then he could've kept his job.

Seven-year-old boy buys fighter jet on eBay

 Air-to-Air missiles not included.

War Widows' Tax Lingers

"Time after time, members of Congress have promised to help the 55,000 affected widows, but laws passed to help them have only created a more complicated system that's left many of them confused and angry.

So what's remarriage got to do with it? Very little, as it turns out. The marriage condition was stuck into the law by Congress as it attempted to help the survivors retain certain benefits if they remarried late in life, as is the case with other similar federal annuities. Because Congress hasn't been able to come up with the money to help all the widows, relief has been limited to that group. The result is an all but incomprehensible mess."
Remember, this is the same government that now wants to run your health care.

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Public Money and Fiduciary Responsibility 101

"That government is best which governs least."

This quote has been variously attributed to Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and Henry Thoreau, none of whom could be confused with a 21st century "Progressive."

Four Reasons Why Big Government Is Bad Government

The top five Obama regulations that American businesses hate most

Government cannot 'create jobs' or 'grow the economy.'  All govt. can do is suffocate both, which seems to be this administration's game plan.


Will Big Gub'mint Intrusions Never End?!

 Romania may get even tougher on witches.
"A month after Romanian authorities began taxing them for their trade, the country's soothsayers and fortune tellers are cursing a new bill that threatens fines or even prison if their predictions don't come true."
So what's the problem?  Just put a spell on the authorities.

Probably way more effective than smart diplomacy...