Videos WhatFinger

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tammy Bruce on O'Reilly talks about McCain

The pundits discuss McCain's so-so campaign so far. A so-so campaign in which McCain is consistently within a few points of the obamanator who, given the energetic uber-hip hype he receives, should be mopping the political floor with 'the old man' - but the obamanator is not.

Watch carefully, as O'Reilly is, once again, the great middle-of-the-roader, and nearly talked under the pompous pundit teleprompter by Tammy Bruce & Monica Crowely.

That's entertainment!

Six minutes & thirty of your time. Give it up!

TY TB for the heads up!

Are illegal immigrants self-deporting in large numbers?

Yes. According to the Center for Immigration Studies.

Why? Enforcement of existing laws to weaken the strongest magnet for illegals: employment.

Says EM over at HA,

"The CIS researchers think that enforcement alone, even without tougher border security, could cut the number of illegal immigrants in half over the next five years. With a stronger border and even better scrutiny, that pace could accelerate even further."

Update: How we know immigration enforcement is working–part II. See-dubya explains.

So guess who did visit our troops?

Wounded American troops. At Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

To say "Thank You" for their part in ending saddam hussein’s brutal rule in Iraq.

Iraq’s Interior Minister, Jawad Karim al-Bolani.

Ms. Underestimated rhetorically asks, "Why isn't this being covered in the msm?"

Let's play 'spot the headline hyperbole'!

Exxon Records Highest Profit ever for U.S. Firm:$11.68 Billion.

Is true? Yes. If you're looking at the number of digits. $11.68 billion is a lot of money for three months.

Is it accurate? No. Not if you're looking at the percentage which the company gets to keep after expenses.

So what's that percentage? About 8% of revenue. By comparison, GE's 2007 profit was 13%. Toyota's profit percentage for 2007 was 6.5%. Disney's 2007 profit was 9.7%. Of course, the U.S. government's 2007 profit was 100% (the hypocrite libs never whine about that).

But it's big bad oil that needs a beat down in the media - for providing what most of the World is willing to pay top dollar, or yen, or euro, to get in it's tankers.

And don't forget, much of that big bad oil revenue is not simply from the sale of crude, but the investment dollars which investors pour into investment portfolios based upon the speculation that this crude oil commodity will continue to be in high demand.

Sounds like good investment to me. Good investment that any fund manager of any large corporation would be negligent not to invest in. An investment designed to help fund retirement & severance packages that most employees would scream (and rightfully so) bloody murder if the funds weren't available for their promised benefits! Or maybe these AP nitwits don't care about their retirement plans? (ha!).

I say all this sounds like good news, and signs of a healthy World economy, and God bless America!

I wonder if the hyperbolists in the media want cheese with their whine?

Anarchists threaten disruption; extortion against DNC in Denver

$50 million dollars of your tax dollars is available for the DNC to provide security services while in Denver. Something about terrorist attacks, crowd control, public safety, and other mundane subjects. The idea being that municipalities who host such national events should not have their municipal budgets & resources over burdened.

But these mee, mee, mee anarchists want to resort to the usual far left fascist tactics & extort the money for their own purposes - or else.

"As anarchists, we feel the greatest problem with government is how its primary interest is to protect the profits of those in power, even when it comes at the expense of the general public," Clayton Dewey, an organizer with Unconventional Denver, said in a statement.

Unconventional Denver is the local organizing body of a national network of anarchists mobilizing against the DNC, said Tim Simons, another organizer.

Uh, wouldn't "local organizing body of a national network" be the antithetical to the core definition of "anarchist?"

Sounds like the usual far left cognitive dissonance.


TY Boortz

Taliban thugs attack Afghan schools; kill children

The murderous islamic thugs don't want children, particularly girls, to receive a general education.

Afghan Deputy Education Minister Mohammad Siddiq Patman tells RFE/RL that many schools cannot operate in Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Paktika, Zabul, and other provinces due to insecurity.

Patman says that in addition to the physical attacks on students, teachers, and schools, the Taliban has also staged a "psychological war against education."

"They distribute threatening leaflets to residents warning them not to send their children to school or face the consequences," he says.

The cowardly taliban thugs can't fight like men against armed soldiers, so they attack women, children and burn schools. Since March, 2008, seventy-two students and teachers have been killed. 62 schools have been burned down.

But the Afghan people are eager for education and won't let the murderous islamic thugs keep them down.
In many areas, local people need little or no encouragement to send their children to school. Girls were deprived of education under Taliban rule when only boys were allowed to attend religious schools.

The eagerness for education has been so great in many Afghan areas that students do not even mind having classes in tents or even under a tree.

Girls now make up at least 35 percent of the students.

NEA. Talk to the hand...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stupid is the plague of the 21st century.

And you can't fix stupid.

Neanderpundit explains.

10 Habits that Bosses Love

Hey! All you minions out there. Listen up! (hint, hint)

Yes. I know. Some jobs suck, and some bosses make pirate captains look tame. But if you 're bucking for that promotion, or that raise you so justly deserve, you don't have to stain your nose brown, just follow some common sense guidelines to be more than just another number on a pay stub.

10 Habits that (good) Bosses Love

Camping, canoeing, and jew killing....

Al-reuters & the associated (with terrorists) press call this 'summer camp'.

Like hitler youth were the boy scouts.

But there's no bias in the msm.....

Giving credit when credit is due

For all you local folks in blogland; let's give a big round of applause to 980 KMBZ Radio for cleaning up their la racist act during the morning show. It is much appreciated.

What was that program director smokin??

~nuff said. On with the show!

Oh. One more thing. Get Darla Jaye out of that wasteland 7-10 pm time spot. She is much too pretty and talented not to be a morning show host.

What is that program director smokin??

Now... On with the show!

The Fannie and Freddie Follies

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

These Washington follies exposed two big weaknesses in the governmental underpinnings of the American financial system. First, the government's backing of Freddie and Fannie puts them in a box. The chaos around the GSEs indicated to the markets that the authorities would have to offer some kind of bailout. So, on Saturday, when Paulson called around to various investment banks urging them to buy debt that was going to be issued by Freddie Mac on Monday, he was met with a very cool response. Why should private institutions put their money at risk if the government already believed that it would have to be the investor of last resort? If the nation's finance minister was reduced to playing bond salesman for a private company, moreover, it would stand to reason that things must be pretty bad.

Second, the Schumer-inspired collapse of IndyMac will, over the coming few weeks, remind people that not all deposits in banks are insured; in fact, roughly one third are not. The FDIC only insures deposits up to $100,000 in each account. IndyMac had a fairly wealthy clientele, and, when they find that they may not get all their money back, it will become national news. This is how bank runs start. People with large accounts tend to be quite sophisticated and will rapidly move their deposits to Treasury bills or other investments. In the last banking crisis in the late 1980s, FDIC chairman Bill Seidman was able to protect nearly all of these uninsured depositors by merging institutions. But in 1991, Congress in its infinite wisdom, made this far more difficult to do the next time--i.e. this time. (This is a story that will unfold in coming weeks.)

More rat killin'

It's official: Al Qaeda's Mad Scientist has been Killed.

CIA Drone Targeted Chemical Weapons Expert Abu Khabab Al-Masri On Afghanistan-Pakistan Border.

There's been false alarms before, but Pakistani Intelligence has confirmed the body's ID to CBS news.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Name that party!

Ted Stevens indicted, longest-serving GOP senator.

Oh, wait. No guessing here. The AP put his political affiliation right there in the headline.

MSNBZZZZzzzz mentions his political affiliation in the second sentence.

ABC News writes his political affiliation on the second word of the first sentence.

The LA Times waits until the seventh word of the first sentence.

NPR hot links "the longest-serving Republican in Senate history." Just for the highlight effect, I presume.

Golly. You can't put one over on these professional news people. Unless the evil doer is a democrat, then you pretty much have to break out your super double secret decoder ring to discover that political party affiliation.


It's funny because there is some truth in it.

9% nancy to the rescue

"I’m trying to save the planet," she said.
Surber wants to know who ask her to?

Amy Winehouse?

Go to Sudan, or Burma, or Cuba to cash your pathetic virtual reality check. You & the rest of your swooning gen-y crowd with tech at your fingertips; food at every corner; climate control across the continents; and whine in every rehab center.

The obamanator is impotent in your wake.

Life's tough. Grow up. Deal with it.


The November Follies

The Presidential election was too close to call. Neither the Republican candidate nor the Democratic candidate had enough votes to win. There was much talk about ballot recounting, court challenges, etc., but a week-long ice fishing competition seemed the sportsmanlike way to settle things. The candidate that caught the most fish at the end of the week would win the election.

Therefore, it was decided that there should be an ice fishing contest between the two candidates to determine the winner. After much of back and forth discussion, it was decided that the contest take place on a remote frozen lake in northern Minnesota.

There were to be no observers present, and both men were to be sent out separately on this isolated lake and return at 5 P.M. with their catch for counting and verification by a team of neutral parties.

At the end of the first day, John Mc. returned to the starting line and he had ten fish. Soon, Obama returned and had no fish. Well, everyone assumed he was just having another 'bad hair' day or something and hopefully, he would catch up the next day.

At the end of the 2nd day John Mc. came in with 20 fish and Obama came in again with none.

That evening, Harry Reid got together secretly with Obama and said, 'Obama, I think John Mc. is a low-life, cheatin' son-of-a-gun. I want you to go out tomorrow and don't even bother with fishing. Just spy on him and see just how he is cheating.'

The next night (after John Mc. returns with 50 fish), Reid said to Obama, 'Well, tell me, how is John Mc. cheating?'

Obama replied, 'Harry, you're not going to believe this, but he's cutting holes in the ice !

TY George!

What would the World do without parasites lawyers?

Judge declares lawyer fees 'excessive' in 9/11 cases, and overturns settlements.

The judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein of United States District Court, sharply criticized the firm, Azrael, Gann & Franz, of Maryland, saying its request for 25 percent of $28.5 million it had recovered “would reflect a very large windfall,” and that its “entire strategy seems to have been to coast on the work of others.”

Golly. I've never heard of a parasite lawyer doing that before...

Should Everyone be Allowed to Vote?

My short answer is, not just 'no', but 'heck no'! Especially if you don't pay income taxes, but receive handouts from the gub'mint instead, or if you know more about who's winning some ABC game show than who represents you in your state legislature or Washington D.C.

TAHBYCSIFH examines the same question, but calls in those much smarter than moi, like Casper Weinberger, Jr. & Neal Boortz. There's also a PEW Research center quick (and easy) 12 question survey you should check out.

BTW: 91. I missed the last question.

Iranian women protest 'anti-family' bill

Iranian Parliament Moves To Approve Polygamy.

Apparently, it's not already legal in this islamo-fascist regime for a man to have more than one wife, and many Iranian women want to keep the practise of polygamy illegal in Iran. The Iranian Parliament has other plans.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Why do so many of us like kinky sex?

A purely scientific inquiry. Of course.

Your tax dollars at work

Audit: Detroit schools misused $53 million.

DETROIT, July 23 (UPI) -- Detroit's public schools have been accused of misusing $53.6 million in federal funds and U.S. education officials say they want the money back.

The allegations came in an audit performed by the U.S. Department of Education that contends the Detroit Public Schools can't properly document how the Title I funds, meant to aid low-income and at-risk students, were spent, the Detroit News reported Wednesday.

Single parents and poor minorities hardest hit.

But don't expect much news about that..., just bend over and keep feeding the corrupt NEA monster.


Vote School Vouchers - Vote School Choice

Me thinks there is something seriously wrong up there in Motor City.

No, Virginia. There are no underwear researchers.

Especially if they make appointments to come to your house and examine your children.

Are some parents really this stupid?

Yes, Virginia.

Fortunately, the perv is now in jail.

TY KC Crime Scene

$1 million embezzled from ACORN

I'm not surprised given the nature & history of this voter fraud organization.

What's stunning is that the theft ocurred 8 years ago; was known to acorn's board of directors; and was perpetrated by employee Dale Rathke, but nothin was done about it. Until now.

A whistle-blower forced Acorn to disclose the embezzlement, which involved the brother of the organization’s founder, Wade Rathke.

All in the family.
Wade Rathke said the organization had signed a restitution agreement with his brother in which his family agreed to repay the amount embezzled in exchange for confidentiality.

Yup. We all believe that one....

The NYTimes article is silent on any reaction from federal prosecutors.


As costs rise, inflation's next front is retailers

"Coming to a store near you: Even higher prices."

Energy costs are behind much of this inflation. Nine percent nancy's do nothing congress is behind a stern refusal to do anything about it.

Single parents and poor minorities hardest hit.

But don't expect any news about that...

An inconvenient war

Report: Empty prison in Iraq a $40M 'failure'.

Ah. The A (w/ t) P. Always eager to tarnish any silver lining.
BAGHDAD (AP) - In the flatlands north of Baghdad sits a prison with no prisoners. It holds something else: a chronicle of U.S. government waste, misguided planning and construction shortcuts costing $40 million and stretching back to the American overseers who replaced Saddam Hussein.

The unfinished prison is located in the city of Khan Bani Saad, 30 miles North of Bahgdad. Construction for this non-starter of a prison was started in 2004, during the heaviest, and bloodiest fighting. The U.S. govt. pulled the plug on the project in 2006.

Inconvenient war. Always getting in the way of progress.

You know what's located due West of Bahgdad, don't you? Abu Ghraib prison. In 2004, the Bush Administration was eager to distance itself from the Abu Ghraib scandal, and my guess is this non-starter of a prison in Khan Bani Saad was a money pit response to show some forward thinking to address the problems in Abu Ghraib.

But the political and military landscape has much improved from those days of the Associated Press' chicken s#1t proclaimation of 'quagmire!'.

What little forward thinking and planning that the Bush Administration did manage to cobble together in response to the Abu Ghraib scandal is now wire service fodder for ridicule.

And the obvious good news of the U.S. Military not having to house a mass of war prisoners is lost on the AP.

Inconvenient war. Damned if you do; damned if you don't.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama says US must work with its allies

The implication is, of course, that the U.S. has not been working with its allies.

Says the obamanator:

``And unless we get a handle on Iraq and Afghanistan, not only are we going to be less safe, but it's also going to be a huge drain on resources.''

The implication is, of course, that not much positive is going on in the two strategic countries which sandwich badboy iran.

Still phoning in the insults. Right, Senator?

What is it with these democratic socialist churls that makes them soil themselves on foreign soil?

Friday, July 25, 2008

We are Building a Religion / Be back Monday!

  • Youtube Smack Down!

  • I know. I know. It's been a long two weeks. I feel your pain.

    Be back Monday for more blowin' off steam & poking alligators with sticks!

    While you wait, how about a game?

    A little poster satire. To join the fun, download a high rez copy (minus the text) here. Goof around with it, add to your own site , or email me, and I'll upload to this blog. Winner gets a really cheap trinket!

    Update: Pirate Linkfest Thingy

    Monday, July 14, 2008

    A Summer Hiatus (update below) (continued) ===>(somebody stop me!) $$ talks and talking does it pretty good, too.V +++now, w/ obamanator nuggets!

    Yup. Even no talent blog hacks, like moi, request a brief respite during these lazy days of summer when golf, bike riding, & travel uh, matters of great importance weigh heavily upon my fevered brow.

    Posting will resume shortly.

    In the meantime, might I recommend the finest in midwest talk radio? 710 KCMO, which features one of the best morning shows on this rock, the KCMO Morning Show With Chris Stigall & the lovely Paige Powers.
    Weekdays 5:00am - 9:00am

    As an added bonus, this station does not feature a hate speech platform for la racist, bigot bloggers! So tune in.

    Click this link for streaming internet.

  • KCMO Morning Show<br />With Chris Stigall

  • Update: An "A-Lube" PSA

    Adam Smith Would Be Proud.

    Updated update: What have you done for me lately?

    La Shawn Barber has an excellent article, entitled "Why Black People Don’t Care that GOP Is Civil Rights Party", which partially answers my long standing question of "Why do Black people vote for democrats?"

    Updated, updated update: Hey. He's just an evil oil chimp. Why listen to him?
    June, 2001: Bush warns of impending energy crunch.

    Gas tax hike?? Can the congress critters be this stupid?

    ===>Updated, updated, update with an update: My fellow Americans, we should all take time to thank our democratic socialist congress comrades for their support of Joint Resolution 114 - the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. They include (but are not limited to):
    Harry Reid of Nevada, Democrat
    Joe Biden of Delaware, Democrat
    Max Cleland of Georgia, Democrat
    John Edwards of North Carolina, Democrat
    John Kerry of Massachusetts, Democrat
    Chuck Schumer of New York, Democrat
    Hillary Clinton of New York, Democrat

    Without their support to initiate boooshitler/deathstarcheney's illegal war, the obamanator would not be able to make his annoited pilgrimage, in relative safety, to The Land of Two Rivers: Iraq.

    Be sure and look General Petraeus in the eye, shake his hand, and say "thank you", barry.

    PS: The obamanator was not able to vote for or against this support because, in 2002, he wasn't even elected to the U.S. Senate. But he was in the Ilinois state house. And, now, he wants to be your POTUS.

    An oily update: Gasoline demand declined for the 13th week in a row. Price of crude oil tumbles to 6 week low. From simply talk of drilling. With a hurricane bearing down in Gulf. Oh. And the dollar rose against the euro & the yen.

    Attention democratic socialists! These are

    But these congress critters would rather rotate on their thumb, and demonize Wall Street for doing what Wall Street is supposed to do: MAKE MONEY.

    Get a clue, guys. Speculators swarm to speculate because an artificially tight (read: gub'mint encumbered) market makes for easy money over a long haul on a high demand, world wide commodity (oil). Reduce the demand or increase the supply, and guess what? The specualators stop swarming because the easy bucks aren't there anymore!!

    Attention democratic socialists! These are Idjits.


    Blue Crab Boulevard tells us that the obabamantor has denounced the Surge D-Day Landings of 1944.

    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    CBS' wife swap show a flop w/ advertisers

    Advertisers Don't Party With CBS's 'Swingers'.
    Broadcasters Pay the Price for Competing With Cable.

    Out: Procter & Gamble, and Philips North America.

    In: Time/Life Music 30 minute info-mercials.

    Why? Lack of viewers, and complaints to the network & affiliates. The seedy show features characters engaged in wife swapping, drug use and other (hindsight-is-20/20) incredibly stupid high risk behaviors.

    But, hey. It's only a TV show. Who could possibly be influenced by that?

    But, wait. There's more! Others have gotten a few brains cells, plus a clue, and pulled support for some adolescent prime time cartoon called 'Family Guy'.

    Geez, louise. Is '30' the new '15'??? Grow up, people. Either that, or stay away from the voting booth.

    Finally, it's in movies; it's in music; it's on the echo chamber awards shows: every stiffy's fave - but it'll never happen in this life, plus make you under appreciate those who truly matter - fantasy: bi-curious hotties.

    Brent Bozell III writes a good memo to explain that the 'sex-me-up-a-bi-curious-hottie' is just another way to re-package homosexuality. And a surprisingly significant number of young woman are buying into this lie.

    The trend has landed on top of the Billboard pop charts and has dominated the top of the i-Tunes download list in the form of Katy Perry's song "I Kissed A Girl." The concept has become so mainstream that she performed her song on Fox's summer series "So You Think You Can Dance." She's also made a cameo appearance on the CBS soap opera "The Young and the Restless."

    Exploiting the "bi-curious" trend is also MTV's formula for the ongoing embarrassment of a reality show called "Tila Tequila's Shot at Love," another noxious offering for youngsters offered by that disgusting network. It just finished its second season with a completely predictable "twist." Miss Tequila is supposed to choose her "love" from a cast of men and a cast of women. In the first season, she chose a male, but the real-life, off-camera relationship failed in time for Season Two. The second time around, she picked a girl named Kristy -- but Kristy rejected Tila. Having built her "bi-curious" credentials, Kristy will next pose for Playboy's August issue.

    Get a clue, people.

    This just in...

    Iran Threatens to Photoshop Israel from Map.

    Saint Benedict

    He wrote a book which has been the leading guide for Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant monastic communities around the world for the last 1500 years. He was also twin brother to another saint, Scholastica. This man was Saint Benedict of Nursia and today is the day he is remembered by Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians.

    MHH has a good post about the man, his times, and his impact on the Christian Faith.

    Saturday, July 12, 2008

    Comedian Bernie Mac insults women at obamanator rally

    And he was the opening act!

    Toward the end of a 10-minute standup routine at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Chicago, the 50-year-old star of "The Bernie Mac Show" joked about menopause, sexual infidelity and promiscuity, and used occasional crude language.

    Fortunately, the audience heard him for the foul mouth fool that he was, and heckled him.
    "It's not funny. Let's get Barack on," a man shouted from the crowd, which paid $2,300 each to support the Illinois senator.

    When the obamanator came on stage, he gave a tepid, backhanded rebuke toward Mac:
    "This is a family affair. By the way, I'm just messing with you, man."

    The incident drew response from Obama's campaign, which criticized Mac for his choice of material.

    Bus driver. Move that bus!!

    Famed Heart Surgeon Michael DeBakey Dead

    (AP) Dr. Michael DeBakey, the world-famous cardiovascular surgeon who pioneered such now-common procedures as bypass surgery and invented a host of devices to help heart patients, died Friday night at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, officials announced. He was 99.

    DeBakey died from "natural causes," according to a written statement issued early Saturday by spokesmen for Baylor College of Medicine and The Methodist Hospital.

    And under what type of medical care system did this brilliant man develop these modern medical miracle procedures?

    Oh. That's right. A privatize, free enterprise health care system. You know. The one which all the rest of the world comes to when it wants the best....

    As violence recedes in Iraq, rebuilding gets tough

    Ah. The A (w/ t) P. Always eager to tarnish any silver lining.

    Violence in Iraq is at its lowest level in four years, but ask Capt. Mike Forbes, and he will tell you his job as a troop commander in Baghdad has gotten harder, not easier.

    "The hotter an area is, the simpler," said Forbes. "You just go find the bad guys and kill them."

    "A quiet environment doesn't necessarily mean a less challenging one. It just gets more complicated," said a boyish but weary looking Forbes on Thursday, standing inside the small patrol base in Mansour that houses 30 members of B Troop, 4th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment.

    Despite the challenges, Forbes remains optimistic that he can help the Iraqis rebuild their lives in his corner of Baghdad. Working with local officials to get small projects completed is starting to pay off, he said.

    "They now have solar powered street lights in Mansour," he said. "A year ago, they didn't even have street lights."

    Solar powered? Ooooo. That should get the defeat-o-crats salivating.

    Note to AP staff: How about this for a headline? Iraq violence at 4 year low; Rebuilding efforts optimistic.

    There. That wasn't so hard.... was it.

    Bodies of 2 Missing US Soldiers Found in Iraq

    Seven U.S. soldiers, and an Iraqi army interpreter came under attack in May, 2007, during a patrol in a Sunni insurgent stronghold south of Baghdad. Five were killed and three went missing.

    GP has the details.

    Tony Snow dies of cancer

    Dang. 53 years old. I'm gonna miss him.

    Tony Snow, the former White House press secretary and conservative pundit who bedeviled the press corps and charmed millions as a FOX News television and radio host, has died after a long bout with cancer.

    Friday, July 11, 2008

    9% nancy calls drilling protected areas ‘a hoax’

    Yup. The woman, and her democratic socialist myrmidons who never met brutal thugocracy or bloody latin american terrorist group they didn't like, will continue to lede the worst.congress.evuh. in holding the American people hostage to the crude oil thugocracies of the Middle East.
    “This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax, it’s an absolute hoax on the part of the Republicans and this administration” Pelosi said at her weekly press conference. “It’s a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact that their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

    This latest cranial diarrhea spew simply proves she's stupid, insane, or willfully ignorant. Take your choice (see chart, right).

    Not to mention that the dems, in general, have been the obstructionist party against new oil drilling for 40 years.

    But even if one removes that part of this partisan debate, how about just building new refineries?? Again, the dems are the obstructionist party.

    Want change? Build more refineries!

    Segway riot gear?

    In Beijing. For the Olympics.

    No, it's not a photoshop.

    Yes. They're serious.

    wouldn't new boots be cheaper?

    It's not one world

    Jordanian boy murders sister for 'honour'.

    The 23 y.o. sister had a boyfriend. The 16 y.o. brother didn't like it. He stabbed her in the heart ten times.

    Hey, it's only murder, ...but she had a boyfriend.

    In 2007, Jordanian authorities recorded 17 such murders, slightly up on previous years.

    Killers in such cases, however, often receive light sentences if convicted, as the parliament has twice refused to reform the penal code despite pressure from human rights groups to end the near impunity of the perpetrators.

    TY Weasel Zippers

    The fauxtos AFP didn't run

    Uncovered by all them amateurs in their basements.

    Huge TY to TJR for the link.

    Update: GP says this iranian fauxtography repetition has been going on for some time. And the msm falls for - every time.

    Updated update: From the socialist loving X-ers over at boing-boing; a good one:

    Dems whine about Gramm's 'whiner' comment.

    Game. Point (proven). Match.

    Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas, a top economic adviser for (John McCain's) campaign, said that the country is "a nation of whiners" mired in a "mental recession" that has exaggerated current economic woes.

    The truth hurts. Get over it. We're fat, dumb, unhappy, and catterwall more about pre-empted soap operas & $1 ATM fees than putting a muzzle on pork trough, vote buying, congress critters who ram it to the taxpayers every April 15th without dinner, a kiss, or lubrication.

    And, John McCain, ever the middle of the road politician, issued a disclaimer:
    "Phil Gramm doesn't speak for me. I speak for me," McCain told reporters in Belleville, Mich., noting that a recently out-of-work person "isn't suffering from a mental recession."

    Even as the non-recession continues.

    But that didn't stop the nanny state from marching on soze the "swooning" masses can eat their cake & still have it on their tables.

    U.S. Gub'mint marches closer to nationalized mortgage industry.
    Under a conservatorship, the shares of Fannie and Freddie would be worth little or nothing, and any losses on mortgages they own or guarantee — which could be staggering — would be paid by taxpayers.

    The government officials said that the administration had also considered calling for legislation that would offer an explicit government guarantee on the $5 trillion of debt owned or guaranteed by the companies. But that is a far less attractive option, they said, because it would effectively double the size of the public debt.

    The lone voice of reason came from Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson when he told the congress critters this week:
    Homeowners should not anticipate a government bail-out, said Paulson.

    “These borrowers can and should be living up to their mortgage commitment — government intervention here would be inappropriate.”

    "For market discipline to be effective, market participants must not expect that lending from the Fed, or any other government support, is readily available," Paulson said. "For market discipline to effectively constrain risk, financial institutions must be allowed to fail."

    Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke simply asked congress for greater regulatory controls to make the credit & underwriting process more idiot proof. (DOH!)

    But I'm certain this will only cause more whining!!

    God save the Republic.

    Sadr City edges back to normalcy

    Kids play in the streets; women shop in the markets; and public works crews repair Sadr City's war damage brought about by mookie's thugacracy.

    "Security is better without the Mahdi Army," said a 42-year-old resident who wanted to be identified only by his nickname, Abu Israa. "We don't want them back."

    "We saw extraordinary progress there," said Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "A few months ago, no one could go into Sadr City. I was able to walk openly down a street that until recently was extremely unsafe, and I'm encouraged by that."

    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has pledged $100 million to upgrade the quality of life. The U.S. military is also providing some reconstruction and economic aid to help rebuild parts of Sadr City — with about $4 million already being spent and more on the way.

    So where's the defeat-o-crats good buddy, and brilliant (got his butt kicked) military strategist, mookie sadr?

    In Iran. Of course.

    Gee. Imagine that.

    Strange & stupid stories

    Feminists (with too much time & too little life) complain to city about "Men At Work" signs.

    Family dog receives phone bill for $142.34 (man, these guys are hard up).

    Convicted bank swindler ordered to surrender golf clubs (talk about draconian!).

    Camel spider in Utah.

    Huge drop in police officer deaths

    Good news, indeed.

    Overall deaths declined from 100 to 59 in the first six months of 2007 compared to the same period this year. The number of overall deaths is the lowest since 1965, when 55 officers were killed.

    Midyear shooting deaths fell from 38 in 2007 to 21 this year, the lowest number since 1960, when 18 officers were killed by gunfire.

    TY KC Crime Scene

    Dog meat off the menu during Beijing Olympics

    "Dog meat has been struck from the menus of officially designated Olympic restaurants, and Beijing tourism officials are telling other outlets to discourage consumers from ordering dishes made from dogs, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Friday."


    Were muslims offended?

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    "But we're just amateurs in our basements"

    MM has the low lights on the low lifes in the msm who've been duped by yet another fauxtography scandal.

    And the blogosphere’s all over them.

    Rove defies congess critters' subpoena; no show at hearing

    You magnificent b@st@rd.

    Clutching at straws, these democratic socialist congress critters are investigating whether or not the Justice Dept. prosecuted people for political reasons, and they wanted Mr. Rove's valuable, non-partisan help. Of course.

    Turns out Mr. Rove kindly refused their polite request for help: a congressional subpoena. Being the former White House political director, he claimed executive privilege.

    The democratic socialist congress critters voted 7-1, with all Democrats agreeing, that Mr. Rove had no such privilege. That vote could not have possibly been for political reasons. Of course.

    The panel is trying to determine whether partisan politics influenced the Justice Department's decision to bring a corruption case against former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, a Democrat. Rove has rejected the notion and said he would speak with the committee only in private, not under oath and without a transcript. He also proposed answering questions in writing.

    And the democratic socialists continue to beat the rotting horse corpse of the 2006 firing of nine U.S. attorneys.

    12% approval rating, nancy! Twelve percent!

    Real Estate: It's (still) a buyer's market

    Once you get past "spot the headline bias!"

    That's right, boys-n-girls, foreclosures surged 53% in June. Surged? Compared to what? Last year at this time. And in that same story is the good news that home foreclosures declined 3 percent from May, according to RealtyTrac Inc.

    But, we can't be having that for a headline.... can we.

    June's figures mean that two tenths of one percent of all homeowners in this nation will lose their home. Two tenths of one percent. It sux to be them, but this is not a crisis.

    We've dealt with this chicken little nonsense before, and we know that half of those facing foreclosure will be able to negotiate or refinance to fend off foreclosure. That brings the actual figure down to one tenth of one percent. Banks want paying customer's, not repossessed white elephants they have to dump.

    Still, the AP can't help but wallow in the misery of the "magnitude of the foreclosure crisis" while in the same paragraph highlighting the ultimate cause of this personal misery: poor financial planning by the homeowners themselves.

    Analysts say the mortgage industry's effort to assist troubled borrowers is being overwhelmed by the magnitude of the foreclosure crisis, and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said earlier this week that many foreclosures are "not preventable," citing borrowers who "took out mortgages they can't possibly afford and they will lose their homes."

    In other words, those 'glorified renters' who dove into the deep end of the loan shark, sub-prime loan pool with no extra income or financial savings to weather any storms. The very people who helped create the over-inflated real estate bubble that the hysterical hyperbolists (like the AP) now demagogue with headline bias because that bubble has popped!.

    So where's the buyer's market? In the comparatively slow home sales & (no more sub-prime) falling prices.

    Pending home sales fall 4.7% in May.
    NEW YORK ( -- The number of homes under sales contracts fell more than expected in May after a surprising spike the month before, a real estate trade group said Tuesday.

    Gee. Why is that? Mike Larson, real estate analyst at Weiss Research, said, "...the May decline was caused by falling consumer confidence, rising unemployment, tight credit conditions and high energy and food costs straining household budgets."

    Yup. Cheap money & disposable income that once caused consumer frenzy is shrinking, but the real kicker is the tight credit condition that is merely common sense following the sub-prime debacle. Common sense that should have been de rigueur for any lender or borrower with more financial acumen than a four y.o. in a candy shop.

    But let's not forget all the 99.98% home owners in this nation who are not facing foreclosure. Plus, don't forget the long time home owners who aren't even considering selling their home. Like most investments, real estate values go up & down. Sit tight. It'll go back up. In the meantime, contact your local county assessor to request an adjustment - which will reflect your now lower property value, which, in turn, determines your property tax.

    Sit tight and prosper.

    As for the well prepared, well informed, and financially able home shoppers - It's (still) a buyer's market.

    Shop wisely, and prosper. Chicken little is road kill.

    R dem eebil wich peeple 'paying their fair share'?

    How about not just yes, but h3ll YES.

    Try 1% of the wealthiest citizens pay forty percent of all taxes!!

    This is 'fair'? This is 'equal under the law'??

    How about this is a democratic socialists wet dream vote buying scheme.

    The only solution is here, here, & here.

    Boortz has more from the WSJ.

    "The candidate for change"


    Wednesday, July 09, 2008

    NY DOT sues citizen to remove Gospel message

    The Gospel message is lettered on both sides of a tractor trailer located on the private property of one Dan Burritt. Mr. Burritt's property is adjacent to NY state hwy 11.
    In a letter dated May 16, 2008, a NYDOT official demanded that Burritt either remove the trailer by June 15 or face forcible removal of the vehicle and legal action.

    The letter stated that Burritt was in violation of state highway laws and required that he either correct the violations noted or face having his trailer classified as a “public nuisance” subject to removal.

    At issue is whether Mr. Burritt has the proper permit to display his message.

    I've got no problem with citizens having to obey the law, especially in terms of 'public nuisance', but, like bubba said, "It depends what the definition of 'is' is...", and I'm sure it has a lot to do with the 'spirit' of the ordinance.

    For instance, under the same ordinance which prohibits Mr. Burritt, private citizen, from displaying such a message near the highway, a commercial business is allowed to advertise near the highway - no permit required!.

    The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has taken up a defense on behalf of Mr. Burritt.
    ADF attorneys filed suit against NYDOT after it recently issued a warning to Burritt under rules requiring permits for non-commercial messages but not for similar commercial ones.

    “Christians shouldn’t be penalized for expressing their beliefs,” said ADF Legal Counsel Matt Bowman. “The right to display a personal message on private property, including a religious message, is protected under the First Amendment. In this case, NYDOT’s rules unconstitutionally require permits for such messages while not requiring permits for commercial messages,” explained ADF Legal Counsel Matt Bowman.

    On Wednesday, June 11th, NYDOT agreed to allow the 'offending' trailer to stay at its current location until a judge issues a ruling in the case.

    That hearing is scheduled for Sept. 26, 2008.

    Gee. I wonder where the 'guard against the slippery slope & defend every vile utterance' ACLU is at??

    This just in...

    The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Osama Bin Laden’s 16 y.o. son calls for Britain to be wiped out.

    Oh. And all its allies, too.

    14,500 y.o. woolly mammoth skeleton unveiled at Museum

    Milwaukee museum unveils woolly mammoth skeleton, considered most complete in North America.
    Few paleontological specimens are as complete as the Hebior mammoth. The skeleton lacks a rib as well as a few bones in the tail and feet, but is otherwise nearly whole.

    Standing more than twice the height of a person, the woolly mammoth is among three with scientific significance for southern Wisconsin.

    The Milwaukee museum already had skeletons of a mastodon and Chinese elephant. This is its first woolly mammoth.

    Link to the Milwaukee Public Museum.

    FARC's useful idiots

    As in nancy pelosi and her democratic socialist myrmidons who assume the position for every brutal thugacracy & terrorist group on both sides of the Atlantic.

    So says Betsy on the heels of last week's brazenly successful hostage rescue from FARC (the marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is designated as a terrorist group by the US government).

    Unfortunately for Chavez and some Democratic politicians, the documents that have been recovered from a FARC computer have implicated them with working to aid FARC and undermine the democratically elected president of Colombia, Mr. Uribe.

    Nancy Pelosi and Jim McGovern need to answer for why their names are showing up in the reports from FARC terrorists.

    Anti-Sharia candidate for Congress

    As in Congress of the United States.

    Meet Vijay Kumar, an émigré from India who is seeking the Republican nomination in a Tennessee primary Congressional race set for August. He is running on an anti-Sharia platform.

    And judging from the way the rest of the Western world is prostrating before the tantric islamists, this maybe a necessary component of future American political debate.

    Front Page Magazine interviewed Mr. Kumar.

    FP: Why do you think there is such a silence in the West about Muslim tyranny? Why do you think the Left refuses to stand up for those who suffer under Islamic despotism?

    Kumar: The Left and Islam share many of the same values. Both deny that individuals have a personal ethic. A central authority should control all things. Both insult and denigrate their opponents and see themselves as victors in the movement of history. Both hate the native cultures and individual efforts.

    The mindset of the Leftist is one of deliberate ignorance. I was a Leftist, a bleeding heart liberal until a few years ago. I came from a Marxist family in India. The Left, by its silence on the issue of radical Islam, has betrayed its own professed ideals, if it has any.

    The fight against Political Islam should have been led by the liberal intellectuals in our universities, but instead they deliberately and systematically support a seventh century totalitarian ideology that negates all forms of rational thinking, intellectual pursuit, and pluralism - the very ideals which are supposed to be central to the philosophy of the Left.

    There's more. Rede it all.

    Related: England's Top Judge Bows to Sharia Law.

    Coming soon to a North American Continent near you.

    1908 Color Movies

    Yup. Color. 1908.

    Well, it was more of a faux color; and it was complicated; and expensive; and not too reliable; but it was color!

    It was called Kinemacolor.

    Democrat controlled congress critters rank dead last

    A recent Gallup Poll confirms what many lawmakers say they're hearing from their constituents: that confidence in Congress has never been lower. Only 12 percent of Americans say they have a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in Congress as an institution – the lowest level ever for any US institution since Gallup began asking the question 35 years ago.

    The Military; the Police; and Small Business rank at the top. Big Business; HMOs rank at the bottom. And the nancy pelosi's 'most. ethical. congress. evah.' ranks dead last.

    Even lower than sewer rats. ok. I made up that last part.

    BTW: GW ranks in the middle.

    "Rainbow Family" assaults Forest Rangers w/ rocks, sticks & profanities

    Five of the dirty hippies were subdued & arrested by Forest Service Agents for ain't it flippen obvious?? alleged drug use.

    The confrontation Thursday night escalated as about 400 Rainbow participants tried to intervene in the arrest, the Forest Service said.

    It was then that the 'family' assaulted the officers. Three more of the hippies were arrested later.
    John Twiss, director of Forest Service Law Enforcement and Investigations in Washington, D.C., said he was among the officers who responded when Rainbow Family members threw sticks and rocks at federal officers.

    Twiss characterized the Rainbow participants as "non-compromising," "arrogant" and "anti-authority." He said this year's episode and other disturbances at recent gatherings should prompt a review of whether Rainbow Family events are allowed.

    "I think we have to have that discussion within the agency," Twiss said. "We spend an awful lot of time and effort on these people. And frankly, the taxpayers deserve better."

    Especially when this mass of unwashed humanity displaces hardworking civic organizations like the Boy Scouts of America.
    The Order of the Arrow, which is the Boy Scouts' national honor society, anticipates 5,000 or so participants will provide more than a combined 250,000 hours of service this summer helping to restore portions of national forests in Missouri, Utah, Virginia, California and Wyoming, according Stewart.

    Leaders with the Boy Scouts' Order of the Arrow have decided to cancel a long-planned forest restoration project near Dutch Joe Guard Station in the Wind Rivers, said Mary Cernicek, spokeswoman with the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

    The rainbow family chose that same general area for their annual hippie fest. And even after meeting with Mark Rey, the federal undersecretary who oversees the U.S. Forest Service, the dirty hippies refused to move. Too 'inconvenient' for them.
    The U.S. Forest Service was scrambling Monday to come up with a similar project in a different location in the Bridger-Teton, to serve as a substitute for the Scouts when they come July 26 through Aug. 2.

    What's wrong with this picture?? Especially when these hippies turn violent. And guess who (the aclu) decided (the aclu) to investigate the actions (the aclu) of federal officers who had arrested five of the dirty hippies?

    Go on. Guess.

    Tuesday, July 08, 2008

    UAE Cancels Nearly $7 Billion In Iraq Debt

    The United Arab Emirates is the first Arab nation to step up to the plate to offer any significant financial help toward Iraq's fledgling democratic republic.

    The UAE's official news agency WAM said the principle debt owed by Iraq totaled $4 billion loaned at different times. A UAE diplomatic source told Reuters the total sum that would be forgiven was almost $7 billion, including interest and arrears.

    The Bush Administration has been pushing hard for Arab nations to help Iraq financially & diplomatically to ease its isolation, and promote stability in the region.

    But, true to form, as in very limited help after the devastating Dec. 2004 tsunami, which inflicted mass death & destruction on the most populated muslim nation in the world: Indonesia; the muslim nations of the world have offered precious little in the way of help to their Arab brethren in Iraq.

    And, again, true to form, the West (along with Japan) has done most of the heavy lifting.
    Over the past three years, about $66.5 billion of Iraq's overall $120.2 billion foreign debt has been forgiven. The Paris Club canceled $42.3 billion, including Russia's $12 billion.

    Non-Paris Club members have canceled a total $8.2 billion. A total $16 billion has been canceled by commercial creditors.

    Last year, Saudi Arabia pledged to cancel 80 percent of more than $15 billion in Iraqi debt but has yet to follow through. Kuwait, also owed $15 billion, has yet to write off any debts.

    The only other diplomatic bright spots this year are proposed visits from Jordan's King Abdullah and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. King Abdullah would be the first Arab head of state to visit Iraq since the invasion.
    Sunni Arab governments who once funded Iraq's 1980-1988 war against Shi'ite Iran have held back from establishing top-level ties with Baghdad since the U.S.-led war toppled Saddam Hussein, citing poor security and extensive Iranian influence.

    Yup. It does appear that Iraq's Arab neighbors don't want to stick their neck out for their infant Mid East brother.

    I predict that once the West is done with their investment of blood, toil, and treasure to return the "Land of Two Rivers" to its cultural & economic preeminence, those same cuckold Arab neighbors will strut into Baghdad with tail feathers high, loudly crowing how great allah is, and how strong islam will forever be (as long as the West does all the heavy lifting & feeds them all those petro-dollars).

    Heller Kitty

    "Hello Kitty" with attitude.

    On a T-Shirt.

    Think of it as "the anti-che."

    Drew has all the details on the woman graphic designer who did the design on a whim, and now her printing company is swamped with orders.

    Capitalism at its finest.

    The obanantor's secret weapon: The DNC Gift Shop

    Us rethuglicans are in biiiig trouble.

    Ms. Underestimated has the video.
    (runs about 2:20)

    Why do golf balls have dimples?

    All us worm killers want to know.

    The answer ranks right up there with "Why is there air?"

    NEA still pushing liberal ideology

    The group held its annual meeting in D.C. over the July holiday to promote one of its fave pet projects: the LGBT agenda in public gub'mint schools.

    Paid for with union dues. Of course.

    LGBT is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

    NEA's ongoing support of the homosexual agenda is evident on their website, where a National Summit on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Education is advertised. The event, to be held in Chicago July 17-18, is sponsored by NEA.

    "We must do more to close the achievement gap. We must ensure that every child is learning and succeeding in school, regardless of race, gender and sexual orientation," Reg Weaver, outgoing president of the nation's largest teachers' union, said on the promotional page.

    Why the sexual orientation of any student is the business of any teacher is beyond me. Unless these teachers are perving & using the school yard as a stalking ground. And judging by the avalanche of sex fiend teachers in the news lately, that's not an outlandish statement to make.

    It seems to me more prudent and pragmatic to simply promote common courtesy & public politeness toward all individuals, and leave the sex-me-up-a-tot garbage to porn sites & soap operas.
    "The NEA leadership has abused its mandate and used teachers' dues to subsidize its liberal ideology, which includes everything from promoting homosexuality and same-sex marriage to contraception in schools and abortion on request," Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, wrote in his Washington Update e-mail.

    "It is not the job of the NEA to issue mandates on social and moral issues. To do so is a misuse of members' dues and a misrepresentation of teachers' views," Perkins wrote.

    Golly. That would be like promoting a particular philosophical ideology in a tax payer supported venue at tax payer expense for the express purpose of a favorable influence to that particular philosophical ideology.

    Kinda like breaching a wall of separation, or something.

    And we can't be having that now... Can we.

    BTW: Guess which presidential candidate the NEA recently endorsed?

    Oh, sure. The obamanator talks about merit pay for teachers - this week. But that's simply to pander 'red' votes. You really don't think the most powerful union lobby in D.C. will allow the most liberal, far leftist senator in congressional history to undermine the most sacred pillar of unionism, do you?

    FireFox Rox! Internet Explorer SUX!!

    More proof.

    To get the finest in safe internet surfing, get the FireFox.

    Your computer will thank you (for all the worm trojan sys hook virus key logger ad script bots you won't get).

    Either that, or get a Mac!!

    An inexpensive (albeit dangerous) flying boat

    Think air boat meets hanged glider. 2 minutes of your life. Give it up.

    Monday, July 07, 2008

    Many captured, foreign terrorists have U.S. criminal records

    So says the FBI.

    These terrorists are captured in Africa, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Iraq, etc. The crimes they committed in the U.S. range from drunken driving, passing bad checks, and traffic violations to immigration law violations, drug trafficking, and assault with a deadly weapon.

    How do the feds know this? Fingerprinting.

    The fingerprinting of detainees overseas began as ad-hoc FBI and U.S. military efforts shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It has since grown into a government-wide push to build the world's largest database of known or suspected terrorist fingerprints. The effort is being boosted by a presidential directive signed June 5, which gave the U.S. attorney general and other cabinet officials 90 days to come up with a plan to expand the use of biometrics by, among other things, recommending categories of people to be screened beyond "known or suspected" terrorists.

    Fingerprints are being beamed in via satellite from places as far-flung as the jungles of Zamboanga in the southern Philippines; Bogota, Colombia; Iraq; and Afghanistan. Other allies, such as Sweden, have contributed prints. The database can be queried by U.S. government agencies and by other countries through Interpol, the international police agency.

    This data base can be used to track individuals, or groups of individuals all over the globe to link them together in a pattern of criminal behavior.
    For example, a roadside bomb may explode and a patrol may fingerprint bystanders because insurgents have been known to remain at the scene to observe the results of their work. Prints also can be lifted off tiny fragments of exploded bombs, said military officials and contractors involved in the work.

    Analysts are not just trying to identify the prints on the bomb. They want to find out who the bomb-carrier associates with. Who he calls. Who calls him. That could lead to the higher-level operatives who planned and financed attacks.

    Already, fingerprints lifted off a bomb fragment have been linked to people trying to enter the United States, they said.

    So who are these terrorists who had been in the U.S.; gotten arrested; then head out to kill and maim overseas?
    Many of those with U.S. arrest records had come to the United States to study, said former Criminal Justice Information Services head Michael Kirkpatrick, who led the FBI effort to use biometrics in counterterrorism after Sept. 11. "It suggests there was some familiarity with Western culture, the United States specifically, and for whatever reason they did not agree with that culture," he said. "Either they became disaffected or put up with it, and then they went overseas."

    What's odd is the civil libertarians raising a stink about all this FBI/Intepol biometric data base stuff. On one hand, many of these libertarians oppose GW's 'illegal war', and say all this terrorism crap should be treated as a law enforcement problem; but when the law enforcement agencies receive (~not take) the tools necessary to track & capture these terrorist rats, the FBI gets castigated for trampling on 'civil rights' and 'abuse of power'.

    All I know is we must be doing something right. I blame George Bush.

    Great moments in toolbox history

    No, no, no. This ain't some rump ranger twinkie twist.

    It's a real man's post about real man things: TOOLS.

    Specifically, Mr. Phillips screw driver.

    Yup. On this day day, July 7th, 1936:

    "Henry F. Phillips receives patents for a new kind of screw and the new screwdriver needed to make it work. It changes the worlds of mass production and machine repair, not to mention your home toolbox.

    Phillips wasn't trying to make life with hand tools easier. He was trying to solve an industrial problem. To drive a slot screw, you need hand-eye coordination to line up the screwdriver and the slot. If you're a machine -- especially a 1930s machine -- you ain't got no eye, and your hand coordination may depend on humans.

    The Phillips-head screw and Phillips screwdriver were designed for power tools, especially power tools on assembly lines. The shallow, cruciform slot in the screw allows the tapering cruciform shape of the screwdriver to seat itself automatically when contact and rotation are achieved. That saves a second or two, and if you've got hundreds of screws in thousands of units (say, cars), you're talking big time here."

    Then them dang engineers had to muck it all up with torx bits....

    This just in...

    Romanian doctor cuts off patient's penis.

    In July 2004, Dr. Naum Ciomu made a surgical error while operating on the man's testicles, severing the penis instead of making an incision to the testicle.

    I blame socialized medicine.

    The obabamnator's flip flop flips

    It's internet meme: the obamanator's public policy positions depend on which side of his mouth you ask; and depends on what crowd he is in front of; and how much money they will donate; and what time of day it is; whether or not there's a full moon, in fly over country.....

    You get the idea.

    But what about facts to back up this meme? Well, has Patterico got a post for you!

    Your Assignment: Compile Obama’s Flip-Flops.

    Yup. He wants your help to compile a full list of Obama’s flip-flops. So put on your super secret decoder ring, and your best pair of sneakers, and click on over to help out.

    Nationalized companies own 95% of world's oil reserves

    And we wonder why we have sky high oil price troubles.
    Right here in River City.
    With a capital 'N', and that rhymes with 'M', and that stands for Marxism.

    That's right, boys n girls. Big, bad, evil greedy oil companies own only 5% of the World's oil reserves. For those of you edjumacated in gub'mint schools, 'reserves' means that oil which is still untapped; in the earth; and yet to be developed or pumped out.

    Sweetness & Light has a good report on how State-Owned Companies Control 95% Of Oil, and why that gub'mint control ~not big bad evil greedy oil companies~ hampers the exploration and drilling of those reserves which, in turn, severely adds to the sky rocketing price of crude worldwide.

    George Bush saved the world

    From saddam's nuclear weaponry, and the murderous islamic scourge of al qaeda. So says Surber in an excellent post which highlights, once again, why he makes the big bucks.

    And for you obtuse, frog marching libs who still don't get what a liar joe wilson is, here's a reminder: Joe Wilson outed Valerie Plame

    Myth Busted: the obamanator's forged birth certificate

    Yup. Much like the 'obamanator is a muslim' garbage, or Maverick was a 'foreign born, naturalized citizen' nonsense, too much time, talent, and type has been wasted on this obamanator's 'forged' birth certificate from Hawaii.

    So says The Strata-Sphere. Move along citizens.

    Let's talk about things of substance - like the obamanator's marxist politics.

    TY HA

    Why are 'peace' protesters so hateful & xenophobic?

    Can you imagine the 24/7 howls of condemnation from the mainstream snoooze if a flock of neocons showed up at an 'immigrant rally', and behaved in this manner?

    How many blathering talking heads would drone on & on about 'rightwing, xenophobic bigots'?? And that would simply be the msm. The tantric BDS infants @ huffypoo or d-kuss would soil themselves in truck loads of diapers at such a 'hateful assault' toward (pick the skin color du jour) people.

    Bush Greets New Citizens, And Protesters.

    4th Of July Ceremony For New Americans At Monticello Interrupted By Cries For Impeachment.

    While most decent folks shared in the joy of legal immigrants who undertook the arduous task of coming to this nation; entering through the front door; showing some respect; and applying to be citizens of this great nation, others did not.

    Yup. Speaking of 'bozos'.... the tantric BDS infants showed up to spew their cranial diarrhea on the grounds of Thomas Jefferson's home while President Bush welcomed new U.S. citizens at a swearing-in ceremony for naturalized Americans.
    Mr. Bush said he was honored to be present for the naturalization ceremony, saying "I'll be proud to call you a fellow American."

    However, throughout the president's remarks, protestors in attendance one by one got up and shouted statements like "Defend the constitution" and "Impeach Bush."

    "That man is a fascist!" one man yelled. "He has brought fascism to this shore!"

    Uh, a big negatory on that one, sparky. Simply look in the mirror.

    GP says the code pinko nutjob to your left is the same code pinko nutjob who assaulted Condoleezza Rice with faux-blood splattered hands at a Senate hearing last October .

    And TNE has video of these xenophobic, tantric BDS infants peppering their hate speech with 'eff' bombs during the ceremony.

    So, tell me again, sparky: "Who's the fascist?"

    Man behind 'Bozo the Clown' dies

    In Los Angeles, of congestive heart failure.
    He was 83.

    Like santa claus, bozo appeared to be everywhere all over the world.
    Mr Harmon did not create the balding, flame-haired character, but played him in numerous appearances over the years.

    He purchased the copyright in the 1950s and licensed the character to others, including TV stations across the US.

    The stations then hired their own Bozos who were trained by Mr Harmon. The Bozo Show aired on US TV from 1961-2001.

    In addition, 156 Bozo cartoons have played in almost every country in the world.

    Friday, July 04, 2008

    Have a Safe & Happy Holiday!

    If you must be inside during this long weekend, check out these fine links:

    Pirate linkfest thingy!

    The 3 Day - Susan G. Komen

    National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial

    Until the electorate disposes of 'with holding tax', nothing will be solve.

    House of Eratosthenes

    Blue Crab Boulevard

    Who were the 'Founding Fathers'?

    The Six Meat Buffet